Request for Proposals: Homeless Housing and Services Program Natalie Evans, Grants Analyst Confidential - Preliminary DRAFT
Timeline 9/11/2018 RFP Published 10/15/2018-10/19/2018 10/15/2018-10/19/2018 Award Notification 9/20/2018 Informational Conference 10/22/2018-10/26/2018 Contract Provided for Review and Finalization 10/5/2018 Final Submittal of RFP Questions & Final Request for DropBox Link 11/1/2018 Program Start Date 10/12/2018 Proposal Submission Deadline (3:00 PM) 8/31/2019 Contract Termination Date (last day to incur Program expenses)
Overview Rapid Re-housing Program Total available: $137,563 Contract period: 11/01/2018 – 08/31/2019 Funds may not be renewable or carried forward beyond contract period
Program Design Preferences Program open to general homeless population, not limited to a specific subpopulation Structure of case management and financial assistance provides for flexibility and follows progressive engagement model
Eligible Expenses Rental and utility assistance up to 7 months Reasonable and customary security deposits Moving costs (truck, rental– no storage fees) Case management HMIS fees
Participant Eligibility Must meet the following definition of homeless: Individual or family who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence, meaning: Has a primary nighttime residence that is a public or private place not meant for human habitation; Is living in a publicly or privately operated shelter designated to provide temporary living arrangements (including congregate shelters, transitional housing, and hotels and motels paid for by charitable organizations or by federal, state and local government programs); or Is exiting an institution where (s)he has resided for 90 days or less and who resided in an emergency shelter or place not meant for human habitation immediately before entering that institution Recordkeeping requirements Note: RFP was revised 9.20.18 to reflect clarification that eligibility is based on the definition of homeless at 576.2(1).
Participant Eligibility – continued At or below 50% of Area Median Income ($27,050 single person, $38,600 family of four) – Use HUD Handbook 4350, Chapter 5 to calculate income Individual/household must currently reside in Plano or reside in a shelter outside of Plano, but became homeless in Plano (provide documentation) Must have initial consultation with case manager and be willing to meet with case manager at least monthly during program participation
Other Requirements Assisted unit must: Be located in Plano. Not exceed 115% Small Area Fair Market Rent, including utility allowance. Comply with housing standards at 10 TAC §7.29. Have a lease in place between owner/manager and program participant. Entry of all participants into HMIS Documentation of denials Non-citizen eligibility verification Quarterly monitoring
Reporting and Reimbursements Performance and expenditures reports due monthly by the 15th Expenses reimbursed within 30 days of receipt of acceptable monthly report
Proposal Submission - DropBox Email Natalie to request DropBox upload link by 10/5 You will receive a link from DropBox within one business day to upload items to your proposal folder You may add and delete files until the due date and time– October 12 at 3:00 PM
Proposal Submission - DropBox In the event of duplicate files, the City will evaluate the most recently uploaded version of the file City staff will not check for responsiveness or content until after deadline Note: RFP was revised 9.20.18 to reflect slight change in DropBox process
RFP Questions Email Natalie if you have clarification questions regarding any information that is contained in the RFP Answers will be emailed to all perspective proposers (those who attend this conference or otherwise communicate intention of submitting a proposal to City staff) and posted online here by 6pm the day answers are provided October 5th – Final deadline to submit questions
Contact Information Natalie Evans Grants Analyst