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Facilitators Ms. Botana Ms.Tamargo vbotana@dadeschools.net m.tamargo@dadeschools.net
21st Century Skills
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To receive messages via text, @42ag36 to 81010 Remind 101 7th Grade To receive messages via text, @42ag36 to 81010 To: 81010 Message: @42ag36
To receive messages via text, @4cgc9f to 81010 Remind 101 6th Grade To receive messages via text, @4cgc9f to 81010 To: 81010 Message: @4cgc9f
MATHia Software from Innovative, researched-based math curricula Personalized Learning Student sets the pace Have 2% improvement score= 3 workspaces per week. Data will be used to drive instruction Will be graded using a rubric
Homework HOURS MONDAY-THURSDAY (lunes-viernes) 4:00 – 5:00 P.M. Room 604
FSA May 6th Grade Paper Based 7th Grade Computer Based Testing
Hammocks Website http://hammocksmiddleschool.org/
ANY QUESTIONS??? Video: iPrep.Math https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6huUnKd3s8