Ancillary data ‘subordinate’ = Information required to explain the display contents
Ancillary Info - Map elements Title Scale Legend Orientation/direction - North arrow Location – direction & distance indicators, map insets, reference systems Data sources Who created the map and when Border/neatline
inadequate ancillary information inadequate ancillary information
1. Title: map purpose and content: usually at the top [No need for ‘map’] Required except that … in a book or article, the title may be a caption Geographic area, type of map data (if not general), and date (if variable)
2. Scale Scale must be given on the map / display it is usually placed near the bottom of the map Verbal statement, ratio or graphic bar (best for output) Use round numbers Subdivide as appropriate Use appropriate units e .g. 1000m == 1km
Examples of scale bar abuse The least worst The worst: Even worse ? -> (no scale)
Do not take software default which includes all layers 3. Legend Symbols should be in the legend unless explained by lettering Symbols must appear in legend exactly as on map, same size etc.. symbols on the left, labels on the right Draw boxes around area symbols Capitalise the first letter only lettering should be subdued The word 'legend' is not always needed - especially if a legend box is used Do not take software default which includes all layers
No ziggie-zaggies … Line symbols should be a straight or gently curved section
Arc Map layout
4. Direction A North arrow is optional if it is clear that (true) North is to the top If North is not to the top, a North arrow is a MUST
5. Location Direction and distance indicators Inset or locator maps, including scale of inset / locator Grids showing latitude and longitude
Another poor software default: silly precision
6. Data source A set of statements usually at the bottom in small text explains how the data were derived, and when: not needed for background general data
GIS / digital mapping: ‘Metadata’ Metadata = ‘data about data’ – how, when, where etc.. (often stored in a text file)
7. Overall Optional 'neatline' around the map as a whole and/or the legend A rectangle 3 x 2 ('landscape' or 'portrait') is preferred to a square Use space wisely – don’t cram, don’t waste white space Item Best Position TITLE what? Prominent, near top SCALE how big? Near bottom LEGEND what (details)? On side, may be boxed DIRECTION which way? Side LOCATION where? Side ticks, or insert SOURCE where from? Very bottom, inconspicuous LAYOUT Overall: examples below
7. Layout .. Better, but not great.. See also:
Map versus ancillary content:
GEOG205 project map, 2009
GEOG205 project map, 2009
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