Sport, recreation and leisure facilities in Cononley Thursday, January 03, 2019
As part of the development of the mill site, a significant sum of money will be allocated to Cononley to improve outdoor sport, leisure and recreational facilities for residents / public use. This should be sufficient to improve what we currently have, or build a new surfaced games area, for example, but would not build a swimming pool. As part of the consultation, the parish council asked for the views/suggestions of people in the village about how they thought we could allocate this money. The projects are likely to be focussed on the sports club and playing fields (including bowling green), the school and allotment sites. 123 responses were received to an on-line survey and further responses were given by phone, email and in person. We also talked directly to school pupils and contacted clubs operating in the village. This report provides a summary of the suggestions received and will be used to continue to develop the projects that can be funded.
Q1: Which of the following outdoor recreational/leisure facilities in Cononley do you, or your children, use? Answered: 114 Skipped: 9
Q1: Which of the following outdoor recreational/leisure facilities in Cononley do you, or your children, use? Answered: 114 Skipped: 9
Q2: What other outdoor activities do you do in Cononley (physical/social)? Answered: 123 Skipped: 0
Q2: What other outdoor activities do you do in Cononley (physical/social)? Answered: 123 Skipped: 0
Q3: What sporting/leisure facilities do you think are missing for people in Cononley? eg. Tennis court, outdoor gym, fitness trail.
Q4: In what ways could the existing facilities on the playing fields be improved for young people and children in Cononley? Could any of the pieces of equipment be improved?
Q5: What outdoor activities do you do outside Cononley that you wish you could do in Cononley?
Q6: What changes could be made to the existing facilities (park, sports club, allotments etc.) to encourage all genders/ages/abilities to participate in recreational/sporting activities?
Q7: Do you have any other suggestions for sport and recreation facilities you would like to see developed or improved?
Q8: Please tick which area of Cononley you live in. Answered: 123 Skipped: 0
Q8: Please tick which area of Cononley you live in. Answered: 123 Skipped: 0
Q9: Are you? Answered: 121 Skipped: 2
Q9: Are you? Answered: 121 Skipped: 2
Q10: Which age group do you belong to? Answered: 122 Skipped: 1
Q10: Which age group do you belong to? Answered: 122 Skipped: 1
Primary School Suggestion Summary
Suggestions via Email and from Clubs in Cononley