Ecclesiastes 2:18-26 The Futility Of Labor
The Futility Of Labor Ecclesiastes 2:18-26 Thus I hated the fruit of my labor which I Had labored under the sun, for I must leave It to the man who will come after me. And Who knows whether he will be a wise man Or a fool? Yet he will have control over all The fruit of my labor for which I labored by Acting wisely under the sun. This too is Vanity.
The Futility Of Labor Therefore I had completely despaired of All the of my labor which I had labored Under the sun. When there is a man who Has labored in wisdom, knowledge and Skill, then he gives his legacy to one who Has not labored with them. This too is Vanity and a great evil. For what does a Man get in all his labor and in his striving With which he labors under the sun?
The Futility Of Labor Because all his days his task is painful and Grievous; even at night his mind does not Rest. This too is vanity. There is nothing Better for a man than to eat and drink and Tell himself that his labor is good. This also I have seen that it is from the hand of God. For who can eat and who can have enjoyment Without Him? For to a person who is good in His sight He has given wisdom and knowledge
The Futility Of Labor And joy, while to the sinner He has given The task of gathering and collecting so that He may give to one who is good in God’s Sight. This too is vanity and striving after Wind. Ecclesiastes 2:18-26
Barba Hutton’s Yacht
The Futility Of Labor Solomon was industrious – he accomplished a lot He realizes that he can’t take it with him Maybe he was so busy he forgot to teach his son to live “under the Son…” It turns out Solomon had good reason to doubt the abilities of his son
The Futility Of Labor Solomon’s frustration with turning over his fruit to a fool – “vanity and a great evil”
The Futility Of Labor In spite of the fact that we must die – wisdom is still of greater value than folly The wise man sees death is coming – and lives accordingly The fool walks in darkness and is caught unprepared
3 Reasons Why Solomon Was Disgusted With His Labor: Firstly – You can’t keep it Money is a medium of exchange – it can do little or nothing for you
Wall Street Journal… Money is an article which may be used as A universal passport to everywhere but Heaven. And as a universal provider of Everything but happiness.
Johnny Carson Once Said: “The only value of money is that you don’t Worry about being poor.” Discussion: How true is that??
You Can’t Keep It… We are to be stewards of our wealth God is the Provider and Owner We have the privilege of enjoying it and using it for God’s glory We all will give an accounting of what we have done with God’s generous gifts
3 Reasons Why Solomon Was Disgusted With Labor: Secondly – We can’t protect it! Even worse we may have to leave it to a fool!
3 Reasons Why Solomon Was Disgusted With Labor: We can’t enjoy it as we should… If wealth is our obsession…and we worry about what will happen to it…we will be miserable We do all the work and then leave it to someone else
Accepting Life…Verses 24-26 The beginning of wisdom is to fear God The lights come on and we begin to see life correctly Knowledge and true joy Genesis 1- In the beginning was God Ultimately the riches of the wicked will be taken away…
Questions… Why do you think man is so tempted to find meaning in pleasure? Have you ever tried this or been close to somebody who has? What would cause someone to move beyond this method?
Francis Schaefer
Conclusion… In the 1st and 2nd chapters Solomon has stated what he sees as the problems of life In verses 1:4-11 - We looked at the monotony of life In verses1:12-18 – We looked at the vanity of wisdom In verses 2:2-11 – We looked at the futility of wealth
Conclusion… In verses 2:12-23 – We looked at the certainty of death