C ourage R espect E xcellence W isdom
Classroom Rules Follow directions immediately. Work during all work times. Be prepared for class. Be safe.
If you choose to break a rule: Oops!-Warning Are we having a bad day?-reflection card and/or time owed in increments of 15 seconds Habitual offender- 15 minute detention; Parent contacted by note, or phone call Again?- 30 minute detention; Parent contacted Huntsville bound!-Office referral SEVERE CLAUSE-VIOLENCE, PROFANITY AND EXTREME INSUBORDINATION RESULT IN IMMEDIATE OFFICE REFERRAL.
Happy student, teacher, classmates, parents,etc. Successful learning Class rewards will be determined with class input and cooperation If you choose to keep the rules:
Daily work-50% of grade (minimum of 7) Tests-50% of grade (minimum of 3) Missing/unsuccessful assignments may be made up ONLY during tutorial for reduced credit. Make up work for absences is the students responsibility. Due dates will be adjusted as the teacher deems necessary. Grading policy
Being prepared includes having : Spiral notebook for Science Journal (to leave in class) paper Blue/black ink for daily assignments; red ink for peer grading Pencil, map pencils for lab any work due that class period Science folder/divider in student binder
Starting class Move quickly to your assigned seat Turn in homework (if any due) Get materials ready-folders and Journals included! Copy assignment into planner Get busy on bell-ringer.
During class activities Communication -talk at appropriate times and at the appropriate volume as directed Response -ask for help as instructed Engagement -exhibit the behaviors that show your full participation in the learning activity Where -be in your assigned location according to instructions
Ending class Complete any closure activity/question Clean up desk-pass in Journals Wait in your seat for teacher to dismiss class Throw trash in can on your way out
Name Subject; Period Date Title
Check the CREW! to leave your seat to sharpen pencil to get papers to throw away trash
Papers will always be passed across row Turn papers in to correct basket/tray by period Returned papers will be kept in pocket folder until the end of the semester or placed in Science Journal as instructed Paper Shuffle
Everything in or on the teachers desk, computer desk, closets and file cabinets is private property and is off limits for students. Computers will be used appropriately and ONLY with permission. Lab storage closet, shelf, and cabinets should be opened only on teachers instructions. Off limits!
After School Tutoring-official Tuesday afternoon 3:50-4:30pm; Wednesday morning 7:50-8:25am other mornings and afternoons by appointment Detentions- assigned afternoons 3:50-4:05pm (15min);3:50-4:20pm
Current work (binder/science divider) Notes (binder if needed for study) Bell ringers (in journal /due on Fri) Daily work (returned in journal or binder folder) Tests (save in binder folder for review) Getting organized!
Science Journal Your Name 6th Grade Science Mrs. Talbert Period # (this information should appear on the first page)
Getting to Know You! Pair up with a classmate sitting near you. Share the answers to the following 4 questions with one another. Remember the answers to share with the class! 1. What is your favorite food? 2. Name a fun place you went this summer. 3. What is something new you learned/tried this summer? 4. What time did you wake up most days?