Title: Case Studies Vs Experiments Date: 27th March 2017


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Presentation transcript:

Title: Case Studies Vs Experiments Date: 27th March 2017 Assessment Objective: To compare methodology of case studies to experimental methods Learning Outcomes and differentiation Grade Challenge questions To be able to compare methodology between case studies and experiments through identifying similarities and differences. A* - B Compare the methodology for experiments and case studies. (4 marks). To be able to compare methodology between case studies and experiments. C - D To be able identify differences and similarities between case studies and experiments. E - F Success Criteria To be able to compare methodology between case studies and experiments. Do Now! Prepare in your groups for a debate (10 minutes) Key words: Case studies Experiments Methodology Ethics

CASE STUDIES Vs EXPERIMENTS Do Now Prepare in your groups for a debate; CASE STUDIES Vs EXPERIMENTS I will put you in your groups and let you if you are case students or experiments

DEBATE Case Studies Vs Experiments

Notes Using what you have learnt from the debate (and using the text book if you want) please write notes on CASE STUDIES and EXPERIMENTS in your exercise book.

Quiz 1) What is meant by the term manifest content? (1) 2) What is meant by the term latent content? (1) 3) Name the three components of dreamwork? (3) 4) Explain why Freud would not have agreed with the idea that particular symbols have specific meaning? (1) 5) Name three methods used in psychoanalysis? (3) 6) Outline one strengths of Freud's dream theory? (1) 7) Outline one weakness of Freud's dream theory? (1) 8)Name two features of a neuron? (2) 9) An electrical signal that travels from the cell body of a neuron to the terminal buttons is known as what? (1) 10) What are the pons and reticular activating system (RAS) responsible for? (1) The story the dreamer tells The underlying meaning of the dream Condensation, Displacement, Secondary elaboration Unconscious is unique and therefore symbols are unique/individual Slips of the tongue, Free association, Dream Analysis Unique methods, Qualitative data Biased sample, unmeasurable, alternate theory Cell body, axon, terminal buttons, dendrites Impulse Shutting down movement (movement inhibition)