Sturla Kristoffer Naas Johansen Consultant RUStelefonen, the national drug helpline in Norway
Percentage of young people in Norway aged 15-20 years who say that they have at some time used different drugs 1990-2006 Source: Norwegian Institute for Alcohol and Drug Research
Percentage of young people in Norway aged 15-20 years who say that they have at some time used different drugs 1990-2006 Source: Norwegian Institute for Alcohol and Drug Research
Percentage of young people in Norway aged 15-20 years who say that they have at some time used cannabis, or used cannabis the last six months 1986-2006 Some time used Used the last six months Source: Norwegian Institute for Alcohol and Drug Research
Percentage of young people in Norway aged 15-20 years who mean that cannabis should be sold freely and who would try it if there were no danger of being arrested 1990-2006 Source: Norwegian Institute for Alcohol and Drug Research
RUStelefonen Only drug helpline in Norway. Opened December 2002. About 3000 calls a year.
What drugs does callers ask about
Cannabis calls
What callers ask about
What callers ask about
What callers ask about
What callers ask about
What callers ask about
What callers ask about
What callers ask about
What callers ask about
What callers ask about
What callers ask about