Theory, hypothesis, and law The Nature of Science Theory, hypothesis, and law
Nature of Science Making observations, asking questions, gaining understanding and seeing patterns in nature. Terms to understand include: Hypothesis, Scientific theory, scientific law, fact, and belief
Hypothesis *Based on background observations and knowledge *(If/then statement – causal or correlational relationship *Educated Guess
SCIENTIFIC LAWS based on repeated experimental observations describing some aspects of the universe. Applies under same conditions Implies causal relationship EQUATION
Example Law of Gravitational Force: represented by an equation F = G × [(m1m2)/r²]F = G × [(m1m2)/r²] Kepler’s Law of Planetary Motion
THEORY A Principle supported by evidence – lots and lots includes Factual evidence, proven hypothesis, laws of nature Theory never becomes a law- have separate roles in science – a law can strengthen a theory
Examples of Theory Big Bang Theory Theory of heliocentricism Theory of Evolution Theory of relativity
Scientific Facts fact is a very elementary statement that are true - a basic statement established by experiment or observation. Generally, a fact is a very elementary statement that are true Examples: Fossils show increased complexity closer to the surface Water boils at 212 degrees Celsius at sea level.
Belief Not scientifically provable Examples: Rabbit feet provide good luck. Friday the 13th is a bad luck day!