Higgs Factory, do we really need more than 50 km? Guoxing Xia 13th December 2016 13/12/2016 Manchester Accelerator Group X-mas Meeting
Big success of LHC run in 2016
What is next ? ???
LHC's Newest Data: A Victory For The Standard Model, Defeat For New Physics (http://www.forbes.com/sites/startswithabang/2016/12/02/lhcs-newest-data-a-victory-for-the-standard-model-defeat-for-new-physics/#ff4b8c962f51) What is dark matter made out of, and what’s the particle responsible for it? Why do we see CP-violation in the weak interactions, but not in the strong interactions? What is the nature of the matter-antimatter asymmetry, and what are the baryon-number-violating processes responsible for it? And why are the masses of these fundamental particles so different? Higgs is a key…
Beyond the LHC
Do we really need more than 50 km Higgs factory? Can we make it smaller?
We have hopes Plasma accelerators may pave the way for a compact collider, especially for low mass Higgs factory Laser wakefield accelerator has successfully achieved the two stage acceleration in 2016 SLAC FACET have demonstrated (in the last two years) the high efficiency, high gradient plasma wakefield acceleration, for both electrons and positrons (in both uniform and hollow plasma-2016) AWAKE reached the first milestone 2 days ago, proton bunch density modulation!
Hollow plasma for good beam quality Multi bunch acceleration is possible and being investigated. Y. Li et al.
Finally, a compact Higgs factory