Making Mistakes
Sometimes when I am doing my work, I make a mistake. This is ok. All kids make mistakes sometimes. It is part of learning how to do things. Everyone makes mistakes sometimes.
When I finish my work, someone will check my answers. Some of my answers are correct. Some of my answers are not correct. This is ok. It is ok if I did not get all the answers correct.
That’s ok, maybe I will remember next time. When my answer is not correct I can say “That’s ok, maybe I will remember next time”. That’s ok, maybe I will remember next time.
I can ask for help to find the correct answer. When I am writing and I make a mistake, I can erase it and try again.
It is ok if I make mistakes. Teachers like it when kids try their best. I will try my best when I am doing my work. I will try to stay calm when I make a mistake.