Android App Development Course
Fragments Use fragments to build responsive and flexible layouts Build an AndroidMe app to create and customize Android characters Use the principles of Material Design to ensure your app works on multiple screen sizes
Libraries Save time and increase your app’s functionality by leveraging libraries Learn how to implement the Google Mobile Vision library for facial recognition
Firebase Cloud Messaging Use Firebase Cloud Messaging to connect an app to a server Build a Squawker app to deliver instructor messages (“squawks”) to users
Places Use Google APIs to make your app aware of its location Build a ShushMe app that silences your phone based on its location
Media Playback Use ExoPlayer, an open source library, to implement a media player Build a Classical Music Quiz app that renders audio and video
Widgets Make your app stand out with widgets Allow users to interact more frequently with your app
Espresso Learn about the Android Testing Support Library Use Espresso to run user interface (UI) testing on your app
Publishing Your App Review the final steps to getting your app production ready Learn how to prepare and test your app for release to the Google Play Store