River Basin Planning & Flood Risk Management in Scotland Dr Roy Richardson, SEPA 6
summary morphology characterisation roles & responsibilities in scotland wfd & flood risk management rbmps & links to flood risk management work to address gaps & maximise opportunities floods bill consultation restoration measures
characterisation of morphology river water bodies NOT at risk: pollution: 72% water resources: 73% morphology: 66%
Morphological Impact Assessment System Compare outputs from MImAS with Env. Std. to inform regulatory decision
database of pressures and river types
examples of risk from MImAS active gravel bed river (type c) 2.4 km embankments 1.2 km channel diversion 2 km dredging 1.5 km floodwalls
flood risk management & morphology 34% river water bodies affected by morphology pressures 5% river water bodies affected by flood defence or land drainage activities – approx. 1000 km of rivers 227 provisonal HMWBs in Scotland 54 identified due to land drainage, flood risk management or urban development
river basin management plans duty to promote sustainable flood management
natural flood management River Spey – Insh Marshes River Devon
roles & responsibilities: flood risk local authorities: flood protection in urban areas, development control, maintenance of watercourses, emergency response scottish water: surface water drainage, management of storage sepa: flood warning, flood risk advice, flood risk maps, awareness raising, regulation hydro-electric: management of storage, provision of flood warning scottish government: policy and legislation; provision of funding land owners: land drainage
roles & responsibilities: links local authorities: flood protection in urban areas, development control, maintenance of watercourses, emergency response scottish water: surface water drainage, management of storage sepa: flood warning, flood risk advice, flood risk maps, awareness raising, regulation hydro-electric: management of storage, provision of flood warning scottish government: policy and legislation; provision of funding land owners: land drainage
roles & responsibilities: links policy and legislation provision of funding flood protection in urban areas maintenance of watercourses management of storage regulation land drainage
improve modified habitats delivery mechanisms many potential delivery instruments grant schemes rural development plans remove existing impacts adjust maintenance practice regulate dredging improve flow regulation control new modifications re-engineer channels measures uncertainty over gaps/effectiveness of instruments improve modified habitats education and training lack a clear framework for planning and prioritising restoration measures controlled activities regulations codes of practice lack of strategic flood risk management planning in scotland area advisory groups action by responsible authorities
floods bill consultation Area Flood Risk Management Plans will set the strategic framework for flood risk management in Scotland. These plans will coordinate flood management objectives and set the framework in which measures are delivered or planned for at a local level. The Competent Authority will be responsible for producing these plans. Local Flood Risk Management Plans will translate the objectives set out in the Area Flood Management Plans into specific measures or combinations of measures to address flood risk. Where necessary, supplemental plans may be required to coordinate delivery of measures, these could include Integrated Urban Drainage Plans or Forestry Plans. It is proposed that Local Authorities will be responsible for producing these plans. scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2008/02/13095729
floods bill consultation Area Flood Risk Management Plans will set the strategic framework for flood risk management in Scotland. These plans will coordinate flood management objectives and set the framework in which measures are delivered or planned for at a local level. The Competent Authority will be responsible for producing these plans. scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2008/02/13095729
restoration measures – proposal for a policy and funding framework what’s being considered? gaps in powers/instruments/funds to deliver measures options to address gaps principles to underpin catchment planning of remedial measures a prioritisation framework for planning and delivering measures national pilot schemes for inclusion in 1st RBMP 1.
framework for planning and delivering measures Forestry Changes interact across the catchment to create the conditions at a particular location Measures must be planned/prioritised to deliver cost effective and lasting improvements Loss of upland forests to grazing Culverting for land gain Mining activity and channel diversion Gravel abstraction Agricultural encroachment on channel Reservoir Reservoir Urban development: Channelisation, floodwalls Embankment for flood defence Channel straightening
technical prioritisation aim 1- restore longitudinal connectivity aim 2- mitigate catchment pressures aim 3- restore/manage riparian zone aim 4- reconnect floodplain aim 5- restore/enhance reaches and habitats
trailing project SEPA led and Scottish Government funded project to: test a prioritisation process assess ability of current mechanisms to deliver measures assess cost of delivering measures based on 4 trial catchments steering group comprising WWF, RSPB, SNH may lead to national pilot schemes
eddleston water peebles river tweed
must be realistic….. …but ambitious appreciate scale and complexity of task recognise current gaps in knowledge and methods to deliver measures adopt long-term plans take advantage of opportunities learn by doing, and adapt …but ambitious