Atlantic West Elementary Family Math Night 2017-2018 2017-2018
Welcome BB&T Please stop by the BB&T table for more information!
When school’s and parents work together children succeed! JOIN OUR AWESOME PTA! Our PTA: Hosts our Fall Carnival Runs the Spirit Cart Hosts Earth Day Activities Hosts Monthly Birthday Party celebrations ….and many other wonderful events! When school’s and parents work together children succeed!
THANK YOU FOR COMING! Enjoy the activities and please stay for the raffle beginning at 7:10!
Family Math Night We are here to make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. MAFS.K12.MP.1.1
Why Math Games? According to Marilyn Burns in Win-Win Math Games, “Games help to lift math off the textbook pages, and they support students’ learning about numbers and operations”.
Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division These four basic operations of elementary arithmetic are the foundations your student’s mathematic learning. Children may not love “working” on these skills, but they love to play games. Games can motivate students, capture their interest, and are a great way to get in extra math practice. STEAM resources are here to teach your children more ways that learning can be fun.
Students learn through the process of playing the game.
Games provide a context for engaging practice.
Through games, students can learn a variety of important skills.
While playing games, students develop a variety of connections with the content and can form positive memories of learning.
Games grab students’ attention and actively engage them.
Games At School Battle (number, addition, subtraction, multiplication, place value) Pig (addition) Bump (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) I Spy Math (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division)
Family Math Games All you need is a deck of cards or a pair of number cubes. Concentration (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) Go Fish (addition) War or Battle (number, addition, subtraction, multiplication, place value Pig (addition) Race for $1.00 (money addition) Guess my Number (logic) The 1 to 10 game (addition) Number family Rummy (fact families) Grab Bag Subtraction (subtraction)
Math Websites at Home I-Ready Math – Khan Academy – TenMarks – Prodigy Math – Aplus Math-
Thank you for coming tonight! Please visit our children at the math tables and learn to play some of the games and activities we have been learning. At each table there are directions for each activity. Please take one and enjoy learning at home with your family. Also visit our children who are using the computers and I-pads to show you the math websites that can be used at home. A list of them is available for you to take home as well.