“Welcome to the Dog Daze of Brawley!” Daisy says, “Welcome to the Dog Daze of Brawley!”
Daisy likes to drive the car!
And Daisy likes a good book, Including classics!
And Daisy has some GREAT suggestions for you!
Daisy knows how important school is! She “graduated” in August!
Gordon Korman, you cannot go wrong!
Daisy’s favorite!
Watch the videos that the characters are sending to each other in the story. Be prepared to be scared and concerned!
Lupica and Feinstein cannot be beat! Sports Fan? Lupica and Feinstein cannot be beat!
Some that just look good!
The Hunger Games movie will be in theaters in March The Hunger Games movie will be in theaters in March. There will be a Brawley Gathering at the theater! Be sure you know what the whole story is before you see
The finale coming October 11, 2011 Book two Book one The finale coming October 11, 2011
Visit the Brawley Middle School web site and look at all the options available for order! http://onlinebookfairs.scholastic.com/search/txtSearch/scorch+trials/ Family and friends can place orders for books that will be delivered to you approximately one week after the book fair closes.
Let the Penny Wars Begin! Each grade level will have a plastic bucket to collect coins Pennies count towards your total All other coins and bills count AGAINST your total When the book fair is over, all monies will be counted. The final count for each grade level will be divided by the number of students in that grade level The winning grade level will receive a dress code “off” day, details still being decided upon by Mr. Dancy and Mrs. Sherrill. Good luck!