SCIENTIFIC THEORY A scientific theory explains behavior by organizing observations and predicting behaviors or events. The following is the process people develop theories:
So let’s observe student behavior in front of and behind a teacher….. While watching: record your general observation
candid camera video
Share your observation with a partner, then together create an overarching theory: “ I theorize that…..
How can we test your theory to see if it is true? The scientific method prescribes writing a hypothesis (an If, then statement). If ______________________, then__________________________.
LET’S TRY TO MAKE A THEORY NOW OBSERVE: I observe that students are happy when they are confronted with an attractive teacher. THEORIZE: I theorize attractive teachers make students smile.
The SCIENTIFIC METHOD Putting our theories to the test. THEORy: Now we have to take our theory and make it into something we can test, a hypothesis. THEORy: I theorize attractive teachers make students smile HYPOTHESIS: (IF ______ THEN _______) I hypothesize that IF a teacher is attractive THEN students will smile.
The SCIENTIFIC METHOD The key to having a hypothesis is having what scientists call operational definitions- clearly identifies how variables will be measured and allows for replication. I observe that students are happy when they are confronted with an attractive teacher. I hypothesize that IF a teacher has a symmetrical face THEN students will smile.
Our methods for researching fall into 3 categories: TESTING OUR HYPOTHESIS Our methods for researching fall into 3 categories: 1. DESCRIPTIVE simply describes the event 2. CORRELATIONAL describes the relationship between variables and allows one to predict behavior 3. EXPERIMENTAL attempt to actually show a cause/effect
3 Types of Descriptive Research: Naturalistic Observation Case Study Survey Data from descriptive research: Qualitative in nature Called descriptive statistics