Progress Report Meng-Ting Zhong 2015/7/8
Outline Problem Definition Human Detection Intra-Camera Tracking Inter-Camera Tracking(Re-Identification) Dataset Future Work
Problem Definition(1/6) Media IC & System Lab Meng-Ting Zhong
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Human Detection Algorithm: Object Detection with Discriminatively Trained Part Based Models(DPM) Implementation: 30Hz Object Detection with DPM V5
Intra-Camera Tracking Algorithm: Particle Filter
Re-Identification(1/3) Algorithm: Optimize the cost function designed by ourselves Transition time distribution included t12 t13 t23 t34
Re-Identification(2/3) Assign matches to maximize the total similarity instead of the similarity of two
Re-Identification(3/3) Use video ranking to compare persons with the same movement Need further study on how similarity score is generated
Dataset Camera Network Tracking Dataset Collected in 2015 Resolution: 640*480 Composed of five to eight cameras covering both indoor and outdoor scenes at University of California, Riverside. Time stamp included
Future Work July Build up a system with DPM(detection), particle filter(intra-camera tracking), and one of the re-ID algorithm August Replace the re-ID algorithm with ours step by step and evaluate the accuracy at the same time