Guide for writing a Software Testing Document
What is SW the Testing Document “The purpose of this document is to describe the standards and procedures to follow during the software testing phases .This standard describes a set of basic test approaches that are associated with the dynamic aspects of software testing (i.e. during the execution of procedures and code).”[1]
SOFTWARE TESTING report Contents Title Page Table of Contents Introduction Test ITEMS Unit Testing Integration and System Testing References
1.Introduction provides an overview of the entire software testing document “STD” as follow: Describe the purpose of this document (why do we need this document?) Describe this document's intended audience.(Skills required and assumptions) Provide a complete list of all the applicable, referenced and any other pertinent documents such as: Documents which provide background and/or context for this document Documents that result from this document (e.g. a test plan or a development plan) Summarize (or give an abstract for) the contents of this document. "Describe what the rest of the STD contains and explain how the STD is organized. Constraints - Briefly describe any restrictions, limitations or constraints that impact the testing of the Software."[3]
2.Test ITEMS This section describes the software testing items, i.e. for each component described in section “Detailed system design” in the software design document you will show the following: 2.1 Component Definition 2.2Responsibilities' Reference The ID of the related requirement(s) from the SRS document. 2.3Testing Items Define the test items based on the requirement, i.e. what are the different tests that you are going to apply for this component. Numbered in the following format T1.1,T1.2 T1.3 ….where the first number is the component number. 2.4 Pseudo code The complete pseudocode of this component, as shown in the “detailed system design” of the SDD . Number the lines because you will refer to line in Path testing. Take care of the format.
Example (Test ITEMS) 3- Choose Letter to Learn Responsibilities' Reference 3 Testing Items T 3.1: choose from joined letters before finishing all split letters. T3.2: choose from the split letters in any order. T3.3: choose from the joined letters in any order. T3.4: choose the same letter more than once. T3.5: choose from split letters before finishing all joined letters. T3.6: Choose Back Button Pseudo Code: Retrieve all learned letters for that user If user passed all split letters Enable all joined letters End if If user press a split letter Assign AID to the chosen letter Terminate, and Proceed to the split letters main page Else If joined letters enabled AND user press a joined letter Terminate, and Proceed to the joined letters main page
3.0 Unit Testing The goal of the unit “component” testing is to assure that all functions and features of a single compliable unit of code perform as specified in the Design Specification. This can be done by performing the following tests:
3.0 Unit Testing 3.1 Partition Testing This section should show all the equivalence partitions “ in rectangle shape” which must be handled by the pseudocode of each component. Then for each partition, define a set of test cases that covers the boundaries and midpoint of the partition as shown in table1 below: Test Case Test Data Expected Output Result Pass/Fail
Unit Testing 3.Choose letter to learn 3.1 Split letter Joined letter
Test Case Test Data Expected Output Result Pass/F ail ب The user will be denied to choose a joined letter before he is done of all of the split letters Joined letters are disabled Pass T 3.2 و Proceed to the letter's main page with the specified letter Proceed to the letter's main page with the specified letter T 3.3 ظ T 3.4 T 3.5 د T 3.6 Going back to the Home page
3.2 Path Testing[ This section should perform a test for every independent execution path in the code of each component. Thus, for each component testers should do the following: Draw the flow graph of the component code. Identify the different paths in the flow graph. Design a number of test cases for each independent path and review the result as shown in the table 2 (one test case / path is enough) Path Test data Expected output Result Pass/Fail This type of testing ensure that every statement has been executed at least once, and every branch “ifs and loops” has been exercised for true and false conditions.
3-Choose letter to learn 1-Flow Graph
Path Testing 2- Independent Paths P1: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,11 3-Test cases Path Test Data Expected Output Result Pass/F ail P2 د The user will be transferred to the split letters' concept page The user is transferred to the split letters' concept page Pass P3 ب The user will be transferred to the joined letters' concept page The user is transferred to the joined letters' concept page
4.0 Integration and System Testing This section should cover the testing of the interaction between the system components. I.e. Once the unit testing has been completed for all units contained in each component, the testers will perform the integration testing for the system units by doing the following: Create an integration test plan, by showing the order of the integration between the components. I.e. what are the first components that are going to be combined, and so on. Combine each group of components, then apply the component testing of these components and show the results of each integration process. Draw a diagram that shows the system integration process.
Integration and System Testing First, operating the register function (C2)with the login (C1). whether the registered accounts appear in the login menu, and so on.
Integration and System Testing Then, the choose letter function (C3) will be integrated.
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