Ch. 9 Review Game Study Study Study
What explains why the Know Nothing Party (American Party) opposed immigration? And how did they maintain control of politics in New Orleans? They blamed the immigrants for the unemployment of American workers. Brute force and intimidation.
On which day of the week would this type of slave gathering have occurred in New Orleans? Sunday
How did Louisiana’s economy change during the period from 1820 to 1860? The economy grew at astounding rates.
Which two ethnic groups were the leading competitors for political power in Louisiana during the antebellum period? Creole and American
Which explains why voters in North Louisiana did not want New Orleans to be the capital? What other two Louisiana cities were named the state capital during this time period? They felt that it gave Creoles (lived in NOLA) too much influence over the state’s politics. Donaldsonville, Baton Rouge
What do all these cities have in common? They have all been capital of our state.
How are the buildings in the photographs related? One was the pre-war capital building in BR and the other is the current capital building in BR.
How did rural legislators ensure that Baton Rouge would remain the capital of Louisiana? They allocated funds to design and construct an impressive capitol building, the money spent on the building insured the capital wouldn't’ t be moved.
What conclusion can you draw from the table below? The city of NOLA in 1860 had a very diverse population. Immigrant Population of New Orleans, 1860 Persons Number Percent Total Population 168,675 100% African American 24,074 14% Slaves Free Persons of Color 13,385 10,689 8% 6% European Americans 144,601 86% Native Born Immigrants 78,333 66,268 46% 39% Irish Germans French British Spanish Italian Other Immigrants 24,398 19,675 10,564 3,849 1,390 1,019 5,373 14% 12% 6% 2% 1% 1% 3%
The diverse population had varied interests that were hard to meet. Based on the table below why would NOLA be difficult to govern during this time period? The diverse population had varied interests that were hard to meet. Immigrant Population of New Orleans, 1860 Persons Number Percent Total Population 168,675 100% African American 24,074 14% Slaves Free Persons of Color 13,385 10,689 8% 6% European Americans 144,601 86% Native Born Immigrants 78,333 66,268 46% 39% Irish Germans French British Spanish Italian Other Immigrants 24,398 19,675 10,564 3,849 1,390 1,019 5,373 14% 12% 6% 2% 1% 1% 3%
Which was a result of ethnic tensions in New Orleans during the antebellum period? How many districts was New Orleans divided into as a result of this tension? The French Quarter became a city independent of New Orleans.3
What is universal manhood suffrage? granting voting privileges to all free white men
Which describes the core beliefs of the Democratic party as it emerged in the antebellum period? small government, small business, and a large voting population (Universal manhood suffrage)…all about the common man.
business, banking, and infrastructure Which describes the core beliefs of the Whig party as it emerged during the antebellum period? business, banking, and infrastructure
Which explains why many sugar planters in Louisiana were drawn to the Whig party? It supported a sugar tariff making their locally grown sugar more competitive.
What effect do protective tariffs generally have on the price of goods? They raise the price of imported goods above those same goods produced in the United States.
Who is the only Louisiana candidate to be elected president of the United States? Zachary Taylor
What were the head and master statutes? laws giving a husband control of his wife
How did New Orleans get the nickname “Queen City of the South”? It became the nation’s second busiest port during the antebellum period.
Which role did banks play in Louisiana’s antebellum economy? provided capital resources for planters/farmers.
Which invention increased the use of Louisiana’s waterways for transporting people and goods during the antebellum period? This also led to private investors building canals throughout Louisiana so they could charge tolls to users of the canals. Steam Boat
Why did Louisiana invest in railroad development during the antebellum period? They hoped to connect to business centers in other states and create more business opportunities for the state.
Which two crops were primarily responsible for the success of the port of New Orleans during the antebellum period? Cotton and Sugar Cane
Between cotton and sugar cane; which one could be farmed by anyone on any size farm and which one needed slaves to make profitable ? Cotton= Everyone Sugar=Slaves
How would the role of a slave in a large holding have differed from that of a slave in a smaller holding? They would have worked in a more specialized fashion. (on a large holding)
what could be said about the role of slavery in Louisiana’s economy? Slave labor and trade was profitable for farmers, renters, and dealers alike.
Why were many slave markets located in New Orleans during the antebellum period? Think about transportation of slaves. The port made transportation to and from the market easier.
What determined a slaves worth? Age and skill set
These were the cooler, less disease-prone months of the year. Which explains why the period between September and April was considered slave selling season? These were the cooler, less disease-prone months of the year.
Why was sugar only grown in south Louisiana? The warmer climate allowed for an extended growing season.
How did slaves ensure the survival of their cultural practices? Through stories and songs
Explain why the legislature tried to limit the rights of free people of color? The legislature was concerned by their rising population and their influence on slaves.
Which was a result of increasing immigrant populations during the antebellum period and what group was hired for the most dangerous jobs because they were seen as less valuable then slaves? poor sanitation and disease, Irish
The Cotton Gin invented by Eli Whitney processed cotton much more quickly and efficiently, he believed this would the reduce the need for slaves. What was result of this invention? Cotton growing became so profitable for the planters that it greatly increased their demand for both land and slave labor.