Beverly Hilliard, University of North Dakota John Krucenski, Prometric
Have your idea Have a time frame Know your contacts Dont give up, dont give up, dont give up
Search for support Pros and Cons list
Be prepared to wait! You get a detailed list of what you need. Legal documents can take a long time when they need to go through many departments. Verify every item you order as it can change slightly
Read as many rules and regulations as you can! Be prepared for delays in getting things up and running! Especially at the University level. Delays in shipping, ordering, payment, returns, etc.
Never to early to think about this Can you run center with current staff If you hire – be careful – high energy position YOUR ONLY AS GOOD AS YOUR STAFF- PERSONAL STRESSORS CAN NOT SHOW AT CENTER
Training – planned well TOM(Territory Operations Manager) – server damaged Server cabinet did not fit Training was condensed due to server – hands on training Organization is a must You will need more filing cabinets than you think
Training will prepare you for opening TOM stayed for morning of opening Nervous – not really Positive, professional, I CAN DO IT attitude Many resources
Students love having the center – get positive feedback everyday Monetary Reward – fund other position for Counseling Center Training Extensive Resources – list of people to call
The delays with contracts Communication on so many levels The Unexpected
YES – the Pros outweigh the Cons!!!!
Universities & Colleges are ideal partners Already committed to testing. Understand the importance of test security. Strong customer service skills. When possible – Prometric partners with U & C Replacing a Sylvan partner. Adding capacity/seats to an existing market. Opening a new market.
Where, When & How Much Annual Test Center Planning Process – review current capacity. New clients may require new sites. Replacement sites. Different timeline for each. Who We Contact Current partner gets priority NCTA membership & contacts Cold call
Working with the School – Discovery Period Find a Champion Explain the Requirements Find Space 50% of all discussions end at this point
Requirements for CBT delivery with Prometric include: Minimum 5-6 days per week of operation Saturdays needed Long-day testing (9-hours) at least 1x per week Test all programs offered by Prometric Dedicated staff to the testing area Background checks required Other services may be requested to support broader line of business: Fingerprinting License issuance Dedicated test room
Test Center Layout Dedicated room Direct line of sight 48 wide desks Access between proctor & test room
Success Depends Upon Teamwork & Support Senior Level Support Legal/Contracts Support Facilities/IT Support Other Critical Support. Successful Implementations have the following Clear vision & plan to share internally. Conduct an internal discovery meeting with all stakeholders. Ensure budget & schedule can be supported. Kick off meeting. Frequent progress reports
Lessons Learned Long lead time to negotiate agreement. Internal approvals for remodeling can be daunting. Initial set up requires a significant amount of work. Need a strong champion. Passive support takes too long. Prometric operations staff understanding academic environment. Flexibility – Patience – Communication -Understanding Necessary from all parties. Prometric & the University