Research Creatives? A consideration of arts-based research methods Susan Elsley
‘ What is arts-based’ research
‘Art-based research can be defined as the systematic use of the artistic process, the actual making of artistic expressions in all of the different forms of the arts, as a primary way of understanding and examining experience by both researchers and the people that they involve in their studies.’ (McNiff, 2008, p29) McNiff, S (2008) Art-based research, London UK: Jessica Kingsley Publishers
What are ‘arts based’ or ‘creative’ methods?
In twos/threes Share as many research methods that you think are arts-based or creative in 2 minutes
What are the claims for arts-based/creative research?
More participatory? ‘The question of who participates and how is therefore crucial for claims that child-centred methods are inherently participative’ Lomax, H (2012) Contested voices? Methodological tensions in creative visual research with children, International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 15:2, 105-117
More fun and children are good at them? ‘When they are left to themselves, most children display astonishing artistic talents’ Aldous Huxley, 1938 Hmm… Always?
And… Can have intrinsic value: playful, creative, making But also generate new and interesting data Less intense gaze by adults: particularly professionals Not have to be verbal: but can provide focus for chat Relevant to range of professional practice: sharing and learning from ways of working And the CHALLENGES?
What considerations for children affected by neglect?
Considerations SOMETHING to EXPLORE: whether SAME or DIFFERENT for children and young people affected by neglect? But CONSIDER for starters: anonymity, confidentiality, child protection, consent, child’s experience, analysing arts- generated data, how (and if) share arts productions …
How to be a ‘Research Creative’
Some ways to start Experiment …be creative Collaborate with others- use your skills but also use others Commit to co-production and ask children Explore what works for an individual child or young person Think about mixed-methods Work with your ethical framework
Our courses CRFR for-2016-cpd-courses/ Involving Children and Young People in Research and Consultation (10/11 March 2016) Using Creative Methods in Research with Children and Young People ( 28/29 April 2016 and