Navigating the RUN Mobile Demo NCSC Product Certification Payroll Anytime, Anywhere! Intro music
Rachel, Virtual Instructor Welcome! <animated avatar speaks> This lesson is all about learning to navigate the demo database that comes with the RUN Mobile iphone and Android app. Note that currently the Blackberry version does not have a demo database. If you haven’t already, go to the iTunes or Android app store and download the ADP RUN mobile app. Note that there are a few mobile apps out there for ADP so be sure to get the one labeled RUN payroll. Now that you have the app on your mobile device, let’s walk through the demo screen by screen… Rachel, Virtual Instructor
Begin by clicking on the “Login to Access Payroll” button
Then select the “Try Demo Mode” button
Click “Start demo”
Once you have launched the demo, you will be on the home page Once you have launched the demo, you will be on the home page. First introduce the solution to your prospect by saying something like: RUN Powered by ADP Mobile gives you all the same great features as our web-hosted payroll platform, RUN, plus the added benefit of the convenience and flexibility to do your payroll from your cell phone. The iPhone App is a quick, easy, real time solution that will give you control while ensuring accuracy on each and every payroll. Once you open the application and login, you’ll see the home page, which offers free HR content, including…
Tip of the Week,
As well as HR Checkup
Tap Back – which provides best practices on HR.
There is also an HR and payroll Dictionary
Tap Back Which contains over 600 terms and definitions.
Click on Payroll As a RUN client, you also get three additional icons – Payroll, Employees, and Reports – through which you easily manage your payroll. First let me show you how simple it is to run a payroll, then I’ll walk through the additional features available.
First, you choose whether you want a regular or special payroll First, you choose whether you want a regular or special payroll. We’ll choose regular
Next, you will verify your check date, period ending date and whether direct deposit should be turned on or off. Once confirmed, tap Start to begin.
This is the Summary screen, which lists all of your employees This is the Summary screen, which lists all of your employees. You can choose to sort them by name, employees vs. contractors, or hourly vs. salaried. As you can see, salaries and standard hours are pre-filled for you. In order to change pay information, tap the employee’s name.
Scroll down to see deductions The employee’s earnings
and deductions are listed on the left.
Click on any field and edit in the calculator to the right Click on any field and edit in the calculator to the right. When finished, easily move to the previous or next employee by moving the screen right or left. Now that you have seen how easy it is to change employee information on the fly, how much time do you think this would save you? How do you think that having your employee information at your fingertips will affect you?
Tap Preview After you’ve entered your employees’ pay data, you’re ready to calculate and preview.
Tap Calculate The app will ask for a confirmation
Tap OK
Because this solution is real time, as soon as you tap ‘calc’, your payroll is being calculated in a matter of seconds so that you will know the exact total for each employee, and company totals as well. After calculation, you can view your liability by clicking on Report
Tap Back Notice how easy it is to see your total liability to ensure proper funds are available.
Payroll Preview can be used as many times as necessary, and allows you to avoid keying errors and ensure accuracy each time. Once everything looks good, tap Approve
And process payroll. Payroll Preview will help you not only eliminate the possibility of submitting an incorrect payroll but also avoid the time and cost involved in a payroll re-run. What would having the security of knowing you will have a correct payroll mean to you? How much time and money could you foresee this saving you?
Back on the home screen,
Tap on Matthew Baxter you can view a listing of your employees
Scroll Down
Tap Back until you get to the home page and merge their data with your Contacts in your phone.
Also, with the Reports icon (Tap Reports icon), you can immediately view your reports for the payroll you just ran, plus historical reports. You do not have to wait until the next day to see them.
You can instantly see your payroll liability….
Tap Back
Let’s look at the payroll summary now
Tap Back What kind of difference will it make for you to have an easy way to get quick and accurate information from your payroll in real time without having to wait for an email or paper delivery?
Tap Help If at any point you need help with any of the features of the mobile app, there is a help button that you can click.
Tap Help The Help includes How To Videos As well as a knowledgebase of activities
That will walk you through each process.
Do you see how RUN Powered by ADP Mobile makes it easy to change and add payroll information, enter hours, view reports, and get free Human Resources support all from the comfort and convenience of your cell phone? Great…let’s walk through what I’ll need to get you started.
Rachel, Virtual Instructor Welcome! <animated avatar speaks> This concludes the navigation lesson. The demo script for this lesson is available on the Training and iTunes U site. I recommend downloading it and practicing until you feel comfortable. You will see for yourself how easy the demo is to navigate! Rachel, Virtual Instructor