Work programme 2017-2019 Teodora Brandmüller Eurostat Unit E4: Regional statistics and geographical information Brussels, NUAC Meeting 2017
Generic Statistical Business Process Model Specify needs Design Build Collect Process Analyse Disseminate Evaluate
Specify needs Design Build Collect Process Analyse Disseminate Evaluate Data collection supported by grant agreements signed in 2015 started in mid 2016
Flashback… since the last NUAC meeting Data collection supported by grant agreements signed in 2015 started in mid 2016 We analysed the data to provide high quality and relevant indicators in the publication Urban Europe publication was released in autumn 2016 and promoted Assessment of city statistics was discussed at the WG in October 2016
Specify needs Evaluate Design Build Collect Process Analyse Disseminate Evaluate
2017 March: Stakeholder meeting
Questions to stakeholders What specific results would like to see by 2020? What would you say we should not do in the future? How would you measure the success? Do you use the city statistics published by Eurostat? Do you use city data from other sources? Do you have any unmet data needs?
Unmet data needs Data needs resulting from the Urban Agenda Data on urban governance Indicators on smart cities and Financial data data on commuting migration, migrants (school enrolment) digital economy, digital society well-being water This question triggered the most contributions. All participants expressed some unmet data needs. Most frequently mentioned were the data needs resulting from the Urban Agenda, data on urban governance, indicators on smart cities and financial data. Several participants agreed on the need for more data on commuting (day-time population), migration, migrants (school enrolment), digital economy, digital society, well-being, “triple bottom line (economy, environment, society) and water. Social data, poverty data, data on active population, data on housing (permits, funding) were mentioned once each. Concerning the geographical dimension several participants expressed the need for more geographical detail, in particular need for more data on small and medium sized cities. The need for data on the metropolitan level and data on urban partnerships was also mentioned by one participant each. Several participants asked for an extended geographical coverage for the perception survey. The need for more spatial data (proximity of green area, proximity of urban transport, etc) was also mentioned.
Needs reflected in the new work programme emphasize work on harmonization set deadlines for data delivery which could improve timeliness and help us to set up a more traditional, annual release calendar call for work on awareness raising and communication call for the use of new sources and small area estimates
Planned new work programme - mandatory Task 1: Assessment of feasibility of harmonisation Task 2: Provision of statistics on sub-national level Task 3: Provide metadata
Planned new work programme - optional Task 4: Complement the perception survey on quality of life in cities Task 5: Raise awareness and increase knowledge about sub-national Task 6: Improvement of the use of new data sources and novel methods to produce sub- national statistics
Work planned for 2017 Sign grant agreements with Member States and ask others to join the programme on a voluntary basis – planned programme covers 2018-2020 Test the feasibility of small area estimation methods – pilot study (possible follow-ups) Implement the data collection started in 2016 (partly supported by grants)
Build Collect Specify needs Evaluate Design Disseminate Analyse Process Analyse Disseminate Evaluate
Process Build Specify needs Evaluate Collect Design Disseminate Analyse Disseminate Evaluate
Thank you for your attention!