Theo Farrell, CSI Lecture 6, 2011 COIN and Afghanistan Theo Farrell, CSI Lecture 6, 2011
JCS options (13-15 Sept) (a) cruise missile attacks; (b) longer bombing campaign; (c) large-scale invasion CIA Plan: money, SOF + airpower
US demands Hand over leaders of al-Qaeda Close all terrorist camps Give US full access to verify closure Release all foreign nationals held captive Protect foreigners (including aid workers) President Bush statement to Joint Session of Congress, 20 September 2011
Balance of forces Coalition Enemy SOF 300-500 Al Qaeda 2-3,000 Western troops 3-5,000 Taliban 60,000 Northern Alliance 15,000
Operation Enduring Freedom Coalition air offensive (7-19 Oct 2001). US/UK special forces supported Northern Alliance offensive in northern Afghanistan (late Oct – Nov 2001). US/UK-led land offensive in southern Afghanistan (Dec 2001 – July 2002).
Campaign milestones Mazar-e-Sharif (10 Nov) Kabul (13 Nov) Konduz (26 Nov) Kandahar (6 Dec) Tora Bora (17 Dec) Paktia (March, May)
Political development UN Bonn Conference, Dec 2001 Transitional Authority up to mid 2002 Loya Jirga elects Hamid Karzai as President, June 2002 Presidential elections, 2004 and 2009 Parliamentary elections, 2005 and 2010
Campaign incoherence
Operational Progress Protect the population ANSF development Growth of sub-national governance Military momentum
CIVCAS (2009-Oct 2010) Total ISAF/ANSF Non-adjusted Stable Down 20% Reduced Down 50%
ANSF numbers Target: Oct 2010 Actual: 24 Sept 2010 ANA 134,000 139,000 ANP 109,000 122,000
Not perfect but popular
The best counterinsurgents?
Sub-national governance 80+ KTD District Delivery Prog: 14 of 80 by Sept 2010 NSP + ASOP producing results
Evidence of progress
Obama’s War
Main effort: the South March 2009 Feb 2010 RC-N 5,080 7,500 RC-W 2,940 5,500 RC-C 5,740 5,000 RC-E 25,570 26,500 RC-S 22,330 54,500
Strategic obstacles Government corruption NATO war-weariness Insurgent safe havens in Pakistan
Fall in public support (%) Country 2009 2010 United States 55 40 United Kingdom 42 37 Germany 30 France 32
The Transition Strategy
Most likely scenario “Continued operational progress is most unlikely to produce desired strategic outcomes.”
Relearning the principles of COIN Political-led campaign Population = COG Isolate the insurgent Operate within the law Minimum use of force