State of play TRACES Working Group, Oct 2 2013 BOVEX State of play TRACES Working Group, Oct 2 2013
Background Initial project initiative in 2007, aiming to provide an electronic exchange mechanism for bovine passports between trading MS to help improve efficiency and accuracy in administration of national bovine DB to enable dematerialisation of the bovine passport Actual development of system : 2007 – 2013 uncertainty of buy-in from MS -> ES, IT, GR, FR now onboard uncertainty of legal base -> 1760/2000 update is happening
Highlights 2013 March: meeting IT, ES BOVEX teams Discussion and agreement on set of necessary adaptations Roadmap agreed for deploying with live transfers April: first real exchanges between ES, IT August: GR ready to join exchanges September: IT uploads first passports for GR Later 2013: FR getting ready to develop interface between BDNI and BOVEX
Changes in 2013 Following March meeting: Version 2.10 deployed April Possible to specify TRACES certificate reference when submitting passports Provision of facility APIs to quickly query for passport numbers available for retrieval Passport retrieval by TRACES reference Notification email in XML format Version 2.10 deployed April Version 2.20 deployed July (bugfixes)
Experience of first exchanges For the period of April – August: 8595 passports were uploaded 4385 of these were retrieved and acknowledged 4014 were not retrieved 196 were recalled While not a bad start, retrieval ratio can improve Some bugs and issues were signaled and corrected Some additional needs were identified
Example of a BOVEX submission
The TRACES side
Future roadmap Support inclusion of more MS: During 2013: Greece, France 2014: ??? Extend functionality (2013 - 2014): Acknowledge notification by asynchronous webservice instead of email New method to request missing passports to country of origin ("notify import") Possibility to include digital signature (in anticipation of legal base)