Week 7 Phonics Short e
Monday’s Lesson
Read the word egg
Read the word leg
Read the word pen
Read the word ten
Read the word jet
Read the word wet
Read the word bread
Read the word head
Read the word thread
High Frequency Words Say it - Spell it- Say it
Say it- Spell it- Say it again
Say it- Spell it- Say it help
Say it- Spell it- Say it new
Say it- Spell it- Say it there
Say it- Spell it- Say it use
Say it- Spell it- Say it think
Say it- Spell it- Say it say
Say it- Spell it- Say it where
Say it- Spell it- Say it form
Say it- Spell it- Say it also
Inflectional ending - ed
Tuesday’s Lesson
Match the picture to the word wet pen ten jet
Match the picture to the word head egg bread leg thread
We had pizza for lunch again. Say it- Spell it- Say it again We had pizza for lunch again.
I need help with this problem. Say it- Spell it- Say it help I need help with this problem.
Say it- Spell it- Say it new Mom bought me a new book.
I put the book over there. Say it- Spell it- Say it there I put the book over there.
We know how to use periods. Say it- Spell it- Say it use We know how to use periods.
I think I know the answer. Say it- Spell it- Say it think I think I know the answer.
I say the Pledge of Allegiance each morning.. Say it- Spell it- Say it say I say the Pledge of Allegiance each morning..
Where can I find the answer? Say it- Spell it- Say it where Where can I find the answer?
I form a square with four lines. Say it- Spell it- Say it form I form a square with four lines.
I also like cookies, cupcakes, and cucumbers. Say it- Spell it- Say it also I also like cookies, cupcakes, and cucumbers.
Inflectional ending - ed Add an -ed to the action words and do the action. I jump. I jump_____. I dance. I dance___. I walk. I walk ____. I hop. I hopp____.
Wednesday’s Lesson
Write down all the short e words What other short e words can we make with the letters in the video?
Circle the words with the short e sound The hen layed an egg. Jen likes butter spread on her bread. My pet likes to beg for food. The men got wet in the rain. I use a pen when I write.
again help new there use I want to go on that ride ____________! 2. _______ soap when you wash your hands. 3. I ________ the _______ student find his bus. 4. Asia went to Disney World. I want to go _________ too!
Inflectional ending -ed
Thursday’s Lesson
head ten leg thread jet Ben had a bump on his __________. I rode on a _________ when I was __________. Mom cut a __________ from my pant __________.
wet egg bread pen I put peanut butter on my __________. I got ________ in the rain. I had a boiled _______ for breakfast. I wrote my story with a ________.
think say where form also Scooby Doo, _______ are you? 2. I _______ a ball with Play-Doh. 3. I ________ am wearing a blue shirt. 4. You should _______ before you ________ anything.
Inflectional ending- ed Write a sentence with an action word in the past tense. Add -ed to your word to make it past tense. Draw a picture to go with your sentence. Example: Ms. Picallo screamed when she saw the snake.