Cabinet Ventilation System: CVS 1200 Presented By Nick Bruno Director of Business Development
Computers, Hospitals, Banks, Credit Card Agencies, Cloud Services, Data Centers, Server Rooms, Colleges, Universities and Phone Companies, Just To Name a Few…
BIG Expen$ive Expendable Temperamental Provide a false sense of security Achilles heel/Weakest Link
Batteries Expand under Charge & Discharge = Creates Heat Shelves Trap Heat Create Hot Spots
Average 3-10 degrees warmer Every 2 degrees above 77 reduces battery life 20-40% 3 failing batteries out of 40 can render the string useless
Proper Ventilation Sufficient Air Conditioning All batteries in string get Air
Highly efficient Flame Retardant Custom fit hoods Increase Reliability & Air Circulation Reduce your PUE
Keep batteries at or below 77° Extend battery life 20-40% Lower Replacement Costs Provide Proper Ventilation and Sufficient Air Conditioning Greatly Reduce Maintenance
Variable Smart Fans Redundant Fans Reduces Hot Spots Improves Air Circulation Compliments perimeter or ceiling mounted AC units
Environmentally Friendly No need to recycle as many batteries!
Remote Alarms Battery Monitoring Remote Monitoring: Hydrogen Smoke Management Services
Guarantee Your Customers Reliability Peace of Mind Profitability