Characterization & Lord of the Flies
CHARACTER TYPES Stories reflect life, and just like you'll find different kinds of people in life, you will find different kinds of characters in stories. Some of the more common character types include: *protagonist *antagonist *confidant/e *foil *stock *round *flat *dynamic *static
Protagonist A. The hero X B. The main character X D. The good guy X X C. The bad guy X D. The good guy X Who is the protagonist in the novel? Ralph
Who is the antagonist in the novel? The antagonist is NOT the bad guy... ...s/he or it is the person or thing in direct opposition to the protagonist. Who is the antagonist in the novel? Jack
Confidant/e A confidant (confidante if it is a female) is a secondary character who is in the story to listen to the protagonist. The confidant/e may help a protagonist develop as a character, but mainly the confidant/e is there to give the protagonist a reason to pass along plot information to the reader. Who is Ralph's confidant? Piggy
Foil This is a secondary character who helps the reader understand the protagonist by providing a contrast to the protagonist. In The Simpsons, Bart is a foil for Lisa. Bart does not seem smart, is a terrible student and naughty son, seems talentless, and is always getting into trouble (Bart is an anagram for BRAT). When you compare Bart to Lisa, Lisa seems even smarter, more of a good student and daughter, and is always good and trying to do the right thing. Bart is a foil for Lisa.
Fill in the charts below to show how the two sets of boys are foils for one another: Ralph Jack Jack Roger
Jack Jack starts as an innocent and decends into savage savagery, but Fill in the charts below to show how the two sets of boys are foils for one another: Jack Roger Ralph Jack starts as an innocent and decends into savagery, but can still see innocent boy Roger is always a bully, and if he were not around, Jack would not decend as far into savagery as he does fair violent concerned with social order savage concerned for the future impulsive anarchy
Stock character A stock character is a stereotypical character who is easily recognized by the reader. A stock character could be: * the dumb jock * the dumb blonde * the ruthless businessman * the caring nurse * the femme fatale * the strong, silent hero * the mad scientist Can you think of any stock characters in Lord of the Flies?
Flat characters Flat characters are not well-developed; the reader learns only a few things about the character. In The Simpsons, Ralph Wiggum is a flat character, since he is not very developed and in most episodes the viewer learns very little about Ralph. List the flat characters in Lord of the Flies. The littluns.
Round characters In contrast to flat characters, round characters are well-developed characters. The reader learns much about these characters, since they have developed personalities, likes, dislikes, family background, backstories, etc... In The Simpsons, Milhouse is a round character.
Ralph acts: Ralph's history is: Ralph as a round character: Ralph looks: Ralph's history is:
Static characters A static character cannot change throughout a story. These characters cannot learn lessons or change their attitudes based on the events of the plot. Basically, these characters are the same at the end of the story as they are at the beginning. In The Simpsons, Chief Wiggum is a static character; he never changes or learns a lesson.
Dynamic Characters Dynamic characters are those that are capable of learning a lesson and changing their attitudes based on the events of the plot. These characters grow (emotionally or psychologically) throughout the story and adapt because of what they have learned. Marge Simpson and Ned Flanders are dynamic characters.
Complete the following matching activity. For each character type listed above, give a character name from the novel.