Catholic Social Teachings How can we put them into practice?
1. Life and Dignity of the Human Person Treat all with respect Don’t judge or look down on anyone Remember that we are all children of God Remember that you are God’s wonderful creation
2. Call to Family, Community and participation Stick by your friends and classmates Get involved in service around the school. E.g. St Vinnies, breakfast club (seniors), nursing home visits and the fair trade stall. Invite people in to your friendship group Report bullying
3. Rights & Responsibilities Be responsible in all your duties. E.g. do homework If you make a promise, keep it You have the right to a good day Be responsible in how you act to make sure that you have a good day Be on time to things
4. Option for the Poor & Vulnerable Help those that need assistance. E.g. if someone is upset ask them if they need anything. Donate what you can to charity Look out for people who are vulnerable or lonely in your class and be kind to them
5. The Dignity of Work & the Rights of Workers Be grateful for your opportunity to be at high school Take your work seriously and work hard Treat your teachers with respect When you have the choice, try to buy fair trade products to help others to work in a dignified trade
6. Solidarity Recognise that we are all one human family Treat everyone with acceptance & respect. Donate your unwanted clothes and items to charity shops so that there are more affordable things for those with less money. Pray for the less fortunate
7. Care for God’s Creation Reduce, reuse and recycle Pick up litter that you see Treat animals and plants with respect Don’t waste water or electricity