Foreshadowing The Giver This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC
Continue to read and answer Are they from the characters, the setting or the narrator? Did you realize they were foreshadowing when you read them or only later?
What is the foreshadowing Two examples of foreshadowing occurs on the very first page What are they?
Why? When Jonas remembers a plane that flies over the community.
Another community is mentioned Frightened was the way he had felt a year ago when an unidentified aircraft had overflown... Another community is mentioned What do we know about it? Why is it mentioned ?
Another example The apple What does the apple represent? Explain what is happening to the apple. Explain what is happening to Jonas.
What about the infant? His name? His eyes?
Allusion (hint): refers to famous historical, biblical, mythological or literary person or event Jonas is a variation of the name Jonah. Historically, the Hebrew prophet Jonah was given the job of proclaiming religious judgement upon a sinful city. Why might Lowry ( the author) have chosen Jonas as the name of her main character? The angel, Gabriel, is a divine messenger. Why does the choice of this name for the new child suggest about Gabe’s importance in the novel?
Another In the house of the old What is being said to Jonas about the release?
The Ceremony of Twelves Important examples of foreshadowing in The Giver include Jonas’s apprehension about the Ceremony of Twelve, which foreshadows his future disillusionment with the community;