Gene Technology Any form of studying genes, DNA, or altering genes to enhance or remove a trait; some forms allow organisms to perform new functions Aka: Genetic Engineering Uses of gene technology: - Paternity - Medicine (insulin, HGH, cancer) - ID Remains - Agriculture - Tracking origins - Gene research - Criminal evidence - Gene therapy - Species relationships Many genes are added to bacterial DNA to create new genes. This is called Recombinant DNA
Gene Technology Recombinant DNA: Combining the DNA of 2 different organisms to create new genes Steps: Circular DNA from bacteria (plasmids) is removed. Plasmid is cut with enzymes at a specific point The desired gene is then added to the plasmid DNA DNA Ligase connects the plasmid DNA with the inserted gene Plasmid is returned to the bacterium to divide Uses: - Insulin production - HGH production - Agriculture/crops - Gene therapy
Gene Technology Before being ID’d, DNA must be… - Copied - Cut - Separated Copying DNA: Usually DNA fragments needing to be tested are found in very small amounts Must be copied to have enough to test Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR): process used to make copies of a DNA fragment; amount doubles each time Primers are added to the DNA template to signal a starting point DNA polymerase enzymes make a copy of a target DNA strand
Gene Technology Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR):
Gene Technology Cutting DNA: Scientists use bacterial enzymes to cut a DNA helix at a specific point Restriction enzymes Cut between 2 specific bases depending on the type of enzyme Ex: This enzyme will cut between A followed by G from 3’ to 5’ These are called “sticky ends” since they will match with another strand of bases
Gene Technology Separating DNA: Pieces of DNA of different sizes can be separated by Gel Electrophoresis Put DNA pieces into wells in a special gel Electric current run through gel, negative electrode near to the starting wells DNA segments move through the gel DNA having a slight negative charge and will move to positive side Smaller pieces of DNA will travel farther through the gel Stain gel with dye to create a DNA fingerprint
Gene Technology DNA Fingerprint
Gene Technology DNA Fingerprint: Crime Scene Application
Gene Technology DNA Fingerprint: Paternity Application