Single Linked List TA.Rawan ALAmri By James Sager – Oct 15, 2017
Outlines 01 02 03 04 05 Open the blog: Create the test class 01 Create the test class 02 Create the SingleLinkedList class 03 04 Copy the ADT and add the needed method 05 Edit the main and write the code
Cont.. 1- Rename the Project Name: ( SinglyLinkedList_Test )
Cont.. 1 3 2
Rename the Class as ADT Name: Cont.. Rename the Class as ADT Name: ( SinglyLinkedList)
3 Copy The ADT in the blog
Paste in the SinglyLinkedList Class Cont.. Paste in the SinglyLinkedList Class
4 In the SinglyLinkedList Class write Search Method that search about specific patient in the list.
In the main(): 1-Declare the SinglyLinkedList object as integer and then add the values to the list. 2- call the Search method and check if true then the number in the list otherwise not in the list 3- Print all the elements in the list.