Progress report Working Group D - Reporting SCG meeting 5-6 November 2008 Unit D.2 Water and the Marine - WFD.


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Presentation transcript:

Progress report Working Group D - Reporting SCG meeting 5-6 November 2008 Unit D.2 Water and the Marine - WFD Team DG Environment, European Commission

Contents Progress report on WG D activities since May 2008 Meetings held Forthcoming meetings Integration of other EU water directives into WISE WFD consolidated guidance GWD1 reporting sheet Reporting sheets on economics WFD reporting schemas Sub-units State of Environment reporting WISE GIS guidance WISE technical developments Notes for the Speaker: More information on the Directive, the implementation process and also the guidance documents are available on the internet.

Progress report on WG D activities Topics dealt with: Discussions on: concept paper for Art.8 compliance checking; analysis of art.5 datasets for SWB and GWB Consolidated guidance for WFD; draft schemas for RBMP; Reporting sheets on: GWD1 and economics; WISE SoE WISE GIS guidance; Subunits; Discussions on: proposal for visualisation of GWB; WISE as distributed system Meetings held: 7-8 Oct’08: WG D meeting 11 Jun’08: Ad-hoc expert meeting on consolidation of schemas 14-15 May’08: WISE SoE reporting on nutrients in transitional and coastal waters 10-11 Jun’08: workshop on WISE SoE reporting on water quantity 11-12 Sept’08: workshop on WISE SoE reporting on emissions 1-2 Oct’08: reporting format for biological elements discussed at ECOSTAT meeting Forthcoming meetings: 12 Nov’08, Paris: Workshop on WISE - bringing all EU water ‘community’ together 29-30 Jan’09, Ispra: WISE Technical Group 30-31 Mar’09, Brussels: WG D meeting

Integration of other EU water directives into WISE Nitrates directive (91/676/EEC) : WISE reporting arrangements agreed at the NiD Committee on 15 Feb’08 Reporting for NiD reporting exercise via WISE common data entry point (Reportnet) launched (xml schemas) early 2008 with deadlines 1 Jul’08 and 1 Oct’08 to upload the reports Bathing water directives (76/160/EEC and 2006/7/EC): 1 Jun’08 – press conference on EC synthesis report on bathing water quality including information in WISE map viewer and WISE data viewer: 26 Jun’08; 30 Sept’08: Workshops with MSs experts on setting reporting process (reporting sheets/formats for new BWD, WISE reporting arrangements, assessment methodology during transitional period old-new BWD) 29 Sept’08: hand over of reporting exercise from DG ENV to EEA/ETC-W; 31 Oct’08: reporting exercise under new and old BWD launched via Reportnet with deadline to upload data by 31 Dec’08

Integration of other EU water directives into WISE Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (91/271/EEC): Reporting exercise on UWWTD Questionnaire 2007 done as stand-alone exercise via CD-ROMS transfer of art.15 reports to EC, however 1 Jun’08 and by end of 2008: status of urban waste water treatment is/will be presented in WISE map viewer (no reports from IE and EL) 27-28 Oct’08 : workshop with MSs on: UWWTD Art.15 reporting exercise; EC report + WISE viewer complete version expected in 2009 Integration of UWWTD reporting into WISE: xml schemas, end-user tool adaptation to Reportnet , QA/QC rules, WISE reporting arrangements, etc Next reporting exercise expected to take place in mid’09 via Reportnet Drinking Water Directive (98/83/EC): 16 Jul’08 and 21 Oct’08 : workshops with MS on reporting for DWD integration into WISE : xml schemas , data dictionary, WISE reporting arrangements, etc Reporting exercise for 2005-2007 reporting period will be available via WISE ; deadline to report –end Feb’09

SCG is invited to To agree on reporting sheet on GWD1 To comment reporting sheets on economics by 12 Nov’08 To agree on consolidated guidance To endorse reporting schemas in principle and agree to go for testing in early 2009 To agree on SoE reporting sheets on: water quantity, emissions, and transitional and coastal waters => to endorse consolidated version of WISE SoE reporting sheets To endorse WISE GIS guidance

WFD reporting sheet GWD1 Two reporting sheets on groundwater (GWO1 & GWO2) compiled into one new GWD1 Reflects requirements of GWD 2006/118/EC together with reporting requirements on WFD for groundwater: Threshold values, groundwater body status and significant trends, as well as geographic information on GWB Consulted over summer, comments received from FR, CZ, ES, FI, IE, NL, HU, UK, DE, IT. Agreed at WG D 7-8 October. Latest comments received on 24 Oct’08 from FR (incorporated) Notes for the Speaker: More information on the Directive, the implementation process and also the guidance documents are available on the internet. SCG is invited to agree on this GWD1 reporting sheet

WFD consolidated reporting guidance Elements of consolidated guidance: Updated art 3 and 5 reporting sheets, and art.8 and art.13 reporting sheets agreed by Water Directors have been compiled into one document (presented for agreement at this meeting) Version presented incorporates already GWD1 Latest version 4 of 3/11 incorporates the agreements reached at WD on reporting of ecological status (overlooked in previous versions) Remaining elements to be included into the WFD consolidated guidance when agreed: Two reporting sheets on economics (circulated on 27/10/08 for comments by 12/11/08 for WG D and SCG) Notes for the Speaker: More information on the Directive, the implementation process and also the guidance documents are available on the internet. SCG is invited to agree on the consolidated guidance (pending the incorporation of the ECO reporting sheets)

Reporting of ecological status Annex V of the WFD specifies how Member States are to monitor and present "status" classification. For surface water it has been agreed that the overall ecological status class of the waterbody will be reported using the defined colour codes. In addition, the following information should be provided[1]: An indication of which quality elements have been used in the classification; An indication of the status class indicated by the quality elements used; An indication of where information for a quality element is not available or not applicable; An indication of confidence in the ecological status class for the water body on a qualitative scale from 1 (Low confidence) to 3 (High confidence). [1] Agreed at the SCG on 14-15 May 2008 (see document WGD/SCG14150508-13, "Reporting WFD ecological status of water bodies at European level", version 2). Notes for the Speaker: More information on the Directive, the implementation process and also the guidance documents are available on the internet. Slide 9 9

Reporting schemas Meeting of experts from WISE technical group and WG D on 11 June in Prague Reviewed a revised articles 3&5 and art.13 schemas [Art.8 schemas have not been amended] Consolidated and to the extent possible, streamlined, simplified avoiding duplication of information The schemas and explanatory document presented to WG D distributed for comments by 31/10/08 New/updated version of schemas will be finalised after commenting phase by the end of 2008 Schemas will be tested by voluntary MSs early 2009 Notes for the Speaker: More information on the Directive, the implementation process and also the guidance documents are available on the internet. For SCG: to endorse schemas in principle and agree to go for testing in early 2009

Sub-units The list of sub-units as indicated/delineated by MSs agreed in Mar’08 at WG D meeting Need of geographic / shape files for sub-units explained during WG D meeting on 7-8 Oct’08 Request on shapefiles issued on 29 Oct’08, deadline to provide shapefiles – by 28 Nov’08 EEA will compile EU-wide WISE reference dataset of sub-units and RBDs of the scale of 1:250,000 For MSs that delineated sub-units within RBDs: to provide shapefiles of sub-units according to the technical specifications described in the letter of request Notes for the Speaker: More information on the Directive, the implementation process and also the guidance documents are available on the internet.

State of Environment reporting Reporting sheets on Water Quantity Emissions to water Nutrients in transitional and coastal waters Some biological elements SCG is invited to endorse consolidated version of WISE SoE reporting sheets

Updated WISE GIS guidance Participation: EEA (lead), DG ENV, ESTAT, JRC, MS, consultants GIS guidance Updating the 2003 guidance document Main technical building block for WISE development, including specifications for reporting of geographic data, INSPIRE implementing rules, in line with SEIS initiative Based on WISE TG activities: GIS workshop in 13-14 Jan’08; WISE TG meetings in 12-13 Mar’08, 16 Jun’08 and editorial meeting on 10-11 Sept’08 Presented at WG D meeting and distributed for comments by WG D on 27 Sept’08; comments from AT, BG, DE, FR Notes for the Speaker: More information on the Directive, the implementation process and also the guidance documents are available on the internet. SCG is invited to endorse WISE GIS guidance

WISE technical developments WISE map viewer WISE architecture document WISE as distributed system – concept and roadmap SCG is invited to endorse pilot testing phase of WISE as distributed system in early 2009 to be finalised by mid-May’09

Thank you for your attention