Why you dont need to learn Japanese to become Lean
Kan Ban Kaizen Six Sigma
Kan Ban Kaizen Six Sigma Custom Shop Lean
Kan Ban Kaizen Six Sigma Custom Shop Lean Company Mindset, not Rules
Kan Ban Kaizen Six Sigma Custom Shop Lean Company Mindset, not Rules How Can We Do This Better?
Every Employee Every Task Every Day
Sort through each work station.
Set things in order.
Sort through each work station. Set things in order. Shine and inspect.
Sort through each work station. Set things in order. Shine and inspect. Standardize as much as practical.
Sort through each work station. Set things in order. Shine and inspect. Standardize as much as practical. Sustain through inspection.
A goal of 50% increase in production
Applying the 5Ss
A goal of 50% increase in production Applying the 5Ss Low hanging fruit
A goal of 50% increase in production Applying the 5Ss Low hanging fruit Central Tool room – Work station storage
A goal of 50% increase in production Applying the 5Ss Low hanging fruit Central Tool room – Work station storage Repetitive task set-ups
Change is frightening
Be honest and clear
Change is frightening Be honest and clear Engage key team members
Change is frightening Be honest and clear Engage key team members Spread engagement to the entire staff
Equipment condition
Operator training
Equipment condition Operator training Floor plan
Equipment condition Operator training Floor plan Common tasks
Equipment condition Operator training Floor plan Common tasks Follow the work flow
No More Tape Measures! CNC programming changes
No More Tape Measures! CNC programming changes Standardize hardware and construction
No More Tape Measures! CNC programming changes Standardize hardware and construction Assembly receives kits
No More Tape Measures! CNC programming changes Standardize hardware and construction Assembly receives kits Single unit batching
Assembly begins immediately
Errors detected very early
Assembly begins immediately Errors detected very early Material handling drastically reduced
Assembly begins immediately Errors detected very early Material handling drastically reduced Maximize time flexibility
Custom means being flexible
Fast changes
Custom means being flexible Fast changes Machines as well as work stations
Constant review
Use savings for capital equipment
Constant review Use savings for capital equipment Due diligence- will it work with your evolving system?
Feedback is needed to review changes
Honesty from top- down
Feedback is needed to review changes Honesty from top- down Build confidence and trust among the team
Feedback is needed to review changes Honesty from top- down Build confidence and trust among the team Confident team members feed back accurately
Feedback is needed to review changes Honesty from top- down Build confidence and trust among the team Confident team members feed back accurately Communicate with EVERYONE
Delegate tasks to the team
Permission to fail fast and cheap
Delegate tasks to the team Permission to fail fast and cheap Your office should be lean too
1. What was prospected today? 2. What was conceptualized to move a project forward? 3. What was produced to move a project forward? 4. What was done that can be invoiced? 5. What distractions occurred today? Track Progress
Keep it Simple Search out waste: Wasted materials Wasted money Wasted time Ralph Bagnall