D OCUMENT I MAGING IN THE R EGISTRAR S O FFICE Tracy Roberts & Kristi Jackson Murray State University KYBUG - February 2012
W HAT IS D OCUMENT I MAGING ? The online storage, retrieval and management of electronic images of documents. Main method of capturing images is by scanning paper documents into a digital format.
A DVANTAGES Documents can be shared by others on a network without physically retrieving a folder stored in a room Security can be attached allowing rights to view certain documents Reduces paper-intensive operations Preserves records retention schedules Digital documents can be annotated and printed as needed
H OW WE BEGAN Murray State implemented the Student Module of Banner in Fall 2009 We purchased Banner Document Management Suite (Xtender) for our document imaging Functional users met with a consultant to discuss our scanning needs Document types Volume Frequency Determined type & brand of scanners to use
S CANNERS Kofax drivers required – needed for the software configuration Full Duplexing abilities Work area constraints Need for flatbed or not (scanning delicate or odd- shaped documents) We chose Fujitsu models FI-6130 FI-6240 (flatbed)
D ECISIONS TO BE M ADE When do we start & do we backtrack Scan as documents arrive ( , fax, mail, drop-off) or after they are processed Who needs to view certain scanned documents – what security needs to be set up Who will do the scanning and who will do the indexing Does the document need to be indexed to a specific semester VERY IMPORTANT to think through the entire process first Develop a document flow chart
D EVELOPED I MAGING R ULES Scan everything in black & white – saves space Write MSU IDs at the top of every page Naming convention Initials, daily batch #, date RV RV RV Helps in determining which batches to index first – first in/first out All documents should be prepped into document types before scanning Student Employees may prep and scan, but only permanent employees can index
S ECURITY L EVELS Reviewed each document to be scanned Determined who might need to view that document Grouped like documents together into security levels Determined who needs access to View, Scan, Index, Administrator Used these groupings to determine what cabinets to create
C ABINETS Undergraduate Admissions indexes all their documents to one cabinet and one INB form – SAAADMS Registrars Office chose to create cabinets based on who needs to view each document type COURSE: Grade changes, departmental challenge STUDENT: Withdrawal forms, address change forms Viewed by Financial Aid, Bursar, HR CONFIDENTIAL: Academic appeals documents, SSN change documents – things that only a select few employees need access to REGISTRAR: All other documents
D OCUMENT T YPES Academic Second Chance Departmental Challenge Grade Changes Correspondence Courses Address Change Form Withdrawal Form Academic Appeal Demographic Changes Grade Appeal Registration Docs Name Change Residency Change SSN Change Course Substitution Consent to Release Info Course Overload Graduation Forms Legacy Grant Major Change Nondisclosure Requests Transcript Requests
P REPPING D OCUMENTS P RIOR TO S CANNING Sort into document types Adding MSU ID numbers to the top of every page Remove staples or paper clips Attaching very small documents to 8 ½ x 11 paper (receipts, notes) Adding prepped documents to the daily hoppers to be scanned
V ERIFYING We review each document to make sure it is scanned and indexed properly Is it indexed to the right student Is it scanned to the right cabinet Is it scanned to the right document type Is it readable and does it include all notes After successful verification, we destroy the original document We have run out of storage space KY Retention of Records requires us to keep the original students permanent record (i.e. paper – based academic transcript)
W AYS TO V IEW S CANNED D OCUMENTS Navigate to the Banner INB form and click on the BDMS button
W AYS TO V IEW S CANNED D OCUMENTS Can search for documents within the BDMS client
Phased-in approach on campus with each functional unit and 1 academic college Student Financial Aid began imaging first in April 2010 – they had their workstations, scanners and software setup first They scanned all documents for the academic year Undergraduate Admissions followed They scanned all documents for Spring 2011 applicants The Registrars Office began scanning in March 2011 We scan all documents after they are processed (transcript sent, registration changes, grade changes) T IMELINE
W HERE A RE W E N OW ? Had a few bumps along the way Changed our mind – scanning docs after they are processed Key = keep up with daily scanning, dont get behind Still verifying documents are indexed to right student, cabinet, and document type Success - We LOVE being able to view documents without having to find the students folder! Working on scanning documents from last 5 years – freeing up file cabinet space