Understanding PSAT Scores
PSAT Score Reports Scores will be accessible online on Monday, Dec. 10. Students should have received an email from the CollegeBoard with instructions on how to access scores, sent to the email address you provided on the answer sheet the day of the PSAT. Watch the video explaining how to access PSAT scores on the next slide, and check your email for instructions sent by the CollegeBoard.
Accessing PSAT Scores
Understanding Your Scores Create an account/login to the College Board website to access your scores. You will need to contact the CollegeBoard directly regarding any login/registration issues- your counselor has no access to CollegeBoard accounts. Watch the video explaining how to interpret your PSAT scores on the next slide, and also take note of the free SAT prep offered through Khan Academy.
Understanding Your Scores
Next Steps 10th grade students should plan to take the PreACT at West in March, and compare which exam may be best for you to take next year (SAT or ACT). The reason to consider both is that students tend to score higher on either the SAT or the ACT, and results can vary between students. Note: Colleges will want your highest score, they don’t have a preference on which exam you use. Most 11th grade students should plan to register for the SAT or ACT at least once this Spring.
Questions? This presentation will be available on the CB West Guidance page, under “Testing.” Check your email for CollegeBoard communications. Stop by to see your School Counselor at West if you have questions!