Friendship: WHAT IT REALLY MEANS Rashad Hardy 10/28/11
King Memorial The Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial is located near the National Mall. It is located with the rest of the national monuments like the Lincoln and Roosevelt. It’s address is 1964 Independence Avenue, S.W. The purpose of the monument is to celebrate the passing of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
Socrates: MLK’s commitment to the truth Just like MLK, Socrates dedicated his life to challenging the norm in search of the truth. He says “be slow to fall into friendship; but when thou art in, continue firm and constant.” He also says “A system of morality which is based on relative emotional values is a mere illusion, a thoroughly vulgar conception which has nothing sound in it and nothing true.” Of these two quotes the first second of these is more closely relatable to King since he risked his life to attempt to show people that freedom was our natural right and the truth would be the building block for his belief to come into action.
St. Augustine : Fight for what’s right “Do you wish to be great? Then begin by being. Do you desire to construct a vast and lofty fabric? Think first about the foundations of humility. The higher your structure is to be, the deeper must be its foundation.” With his sense of hard work would bring numerous supporters with the willing to bring his teachings into actions
The Truth With all the hardship in the world King stood up to challenge the status quo that justice was something that should be given to all people not just the rich. It isn’t about color, sex, nor religion but character. These are the words King lived by.