What is migration? Migration is the permanent movement of people from one location or region to another.
What is emigration? This is when persons leave their place of residence (their homes or country) and move to another for a number of reasons.
When some one leaves his country to go to another we call that overseas or international migration
Push and Pull Factors Push factors – things that cause persons to leave their residences. Pull factors – things that cause persons to come into new areas.
PUSH FACTORS War Crime and violence Poor educational opportunities Limited or no jobs
Lack of basic infrastructure – housing, water, light, roads etc. Low wages/salaries. Limited or no recreational facilities. Lack of technologies.
Availability of Jobs. Technological advancements High wages Political stability Low crime rate Good infrastructures
WHAT DO YOU THINK. Why do many Spaniards leave Spain nowdays WHAT DO YOU THINK? Why do many Spaniards leave Spain nowdays? Would you like to migrate? Why? Where? Why do some people come to Spain?