Simple UML 13 Nov 2018.


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Presentation transcript:

Simple UML 13 Nov 2018

What is UML? UML stands for Unified Modeling Language UML is a diagramming language designed for Object- Oriented programming UML can be used to describe: the organization of a program how a program executes how a program is used how a program is deployed over a network …and more

Design Patterns Design Patterns describe the higher-level organization of solutions to common problems Design Patterns are a current hot topic in O-O design UML is always used for Design Patterns Design Patterns are used to describe refactorings We will discuss some Design Patterns later on in this course

UML is complex UML is a big, complicated diagramming language UML comprises at least seven or eight different kinds of diagrams This talk will cover just a tiny bit of one kind of diagram, the class diagram A class diagram is often all that is needed to describe a particular Design Pattern

Class diagrams A class diagram shows classes, interfaces, and their relationships We’ll cover most of classes and interfaces, and a few of the most important relationships

Classes A class is drawn as a rectangle with two or three compartments: Name of the class Variables [optional] Methods

Variables I A variable is written as: visibility name : type where: + means public visibility # means protected visibility - means private visibility <blank> means default (package) visibility Example: +length:int

Variables II Static variables are underlined An initial value can be shown with =value Example: -numberOfEmployees:int=10 means numberOfEmployees is: private static integer and has 10 as its initial value

Methods Methods are written as: visibility name (parameters) : returnType where visibility uses the same syntax variables (+, -, #, blank) parameters are given as name:type if the returnType is void, it is omitted constructors are preceded by «constructor» interfaces are preceded by «interface» an ellipsis (…) indicates omitted methods

Example of a class Card cardId:int -copy:boolean=false «constructor» Card(int id) +isKind(desiredKind:int) +isSharable():boolean +toString():String

Types of relationships B C D 1..4 Factory Product creates Other kinds of relations Class B extends class A Class C contains 1 to 4 objects of class D

OO Relationships There are two kinds of Relationships Generalization (parent-child relationship) Association (student enrolls in course) Associations can be further classified as Aggregation Composition

OO Relationships: Generalization Supertype Example: Customer Regular Customer Loyalty Customer Subtype1 Subtype2 -Inheritance is a required feature of object orientation -Generalization expresses a parent/child relationship among related classes. Used for abstracting details in several layers

OO Relationships: Association Represent relationship between instances of classes Student enrolls in a course Courses have students Courses have exams Etc. Association has two ends Role names (e.g. enrolls) Multiplicity (e.g. One course can have many students) Navigability (unidirectional, bidirectional)

Multiplicity Indicators Each end of an association or aggregation contains a multiplicity indicator Indicates the number of objects participating in the relationship Zero or more 0..* One or more 1..* Zero or one 0..1 Specified range 2..7 Exactly one 1

Association: Multiplicity and Roles student 1 * University Person 0..1 * teacher employer Role Multiplicity Symbol Meaning 1 One and only one 0..1 Zero or one M..N From M to N (natural language) * From zero to any positive integer 0..* From zero to any positive integer 1..* From one to any positive integer Role “A given university groups many people; some act as students, others as teachers. A given student belongs to a single university; a given teacher may or may not be working for the university at a particular time.”

Multiplicity Indicators

Class diagram [from UML Distilled Third Edition]

Association: Model to Implementation * 4 Student Course has enrolls Class Student { Course enrolls[4]; } Class Course { Student have[];

OO Relationships: Composition Association Models the part–whole relationship Composition Also models the part–whole relationship but, in addition, Every part may belong to only one whole, and If the whole is deleted, so are the parts Example: A number of different chess boards: Each square belongs to only one board. If a chess board is thrown away, all 64 squares on that board go as well. Class W Whole Class Class P1 Class P2 Part Classes [From Dr.David A. Workman] Example Figure 16.7 The McGraw-Hill Companies, 2005

OO Relationships: Aggregation Container Class Aggregation: expresses a relationship among instances of related classes. It is a specific kind of Container-Containee relationship. express a more informal relationship than composition expresses. Aggregation is appropriate when Container and Containees have no special access privileges to each other. Class C AGGREGATION Class E1 Class E2 Containee Classes Example Bag Apples Milk [From Dr.David A. Workman]

Aggregation vs. Composition Composition is really a strong form of association components have only one owner components cannot exist independent of their owner components live or die with their owner e.g. Each car has an engine that can not be shared with other cars. Aggregations may form "part of" the association, but may not be essential to it. They may also exist independent of the aggregate. e.g. Apples may exist independent of the bag.

Example: Secret Code program

Package Relationships

Class Relationships

About the next 2 slides… The next slide shows how cardinalities are denoted in Rose. The following slide is the class diagram example from before, but this time with cardinalities marked on the associations.

UML diagrams: use cases A use case encodes a typical user interaction with the system. In particular, it: captures some user-visible function. achieves some concrete goal for the user. A complete set of use cases largely defines the requirements for your system: everything the user can see, and would like to do. The granularity of your use cases determines the number of them (for you system). A clear design depends on showing the right level of detail. A use case maps actors to functions. The actors need not be people.

Use case examples, 1 (High-level use case for powerpoint.)

About the last example... Although this is a valid use case for powerpoint, and it completely captures user interaction with powerpoint, it’s too vague to be useful.

Use case examples, 2 (Finer-grained use cases for powerpoint.)

About the last example... The last example gives a more useful view of powerpoint (or any similar application). The cases are vague, but they focus your attention the key features, and would help in developing a more detailed requirements specification. It still doesn’t give enough information to characterize powerpoint, which could be specified with tens or hundreds of use cases (though doing so might not be very useful either).

Use case examples, 3 (Relationships in a news web site.)

About the last example... The last is more complicated and realistic use case diagram. It captures several key use cases for the system. Note the multiple actors. In particular, ‘AP wire’ is an actor, with an important interaction with the system, but is not a person (or even a computer system, necessarily). The notes between << >> marks are stereotypes: identifiers added to make the diagram more informative. Here they differentiate between different roles (ie, different meanings of an arrow in this diagram).

Sequence Diagrams

Interaction Diagrams show how objects interact with one another UML supports two types of interaction diagrams Sequence diagrams Collaboration diagrams

Sequence Diagram(make a phone call) Caller Phone Recipient Picks up Dial tone Dial Ring notification Ring Picks up Hello

Sequence Diagram:Object interaction Synchronous Asynchronous Transmission delayed Self-Call [condition] remove() *[for each] remove() Self-Call: A message that an Object sends to itself. Condition: indicates when a message is sent. The message is sent only if the condition is true. Condition Iteration

Sequence Diagrams – Object Life Spans Creation Create message Object life starts at that point Activation Symbolized by rectangular stripes Place on the lifeline where object is activated. Rectangle also denotes when object is deactivated. Deletion Placing an ‘X’ on lifeline Object’s life ends at that point A B Create X Deletion Return Lifeline Activation bar

Sequence Diagram Message Sequence diagrams demonstrate the behavior of objects in a use case by describing the objects and the messages they pass. The horizontal dimension shows the objects participating in the interaction. The vertical arrangement of messages indicates their order. The labels may contain the seq. # to indicate concurrency.

Overview of UML Diagrams Behavioral : behavioral features of a system / business process Activity State machine Use case Interaction Structural : element of spec. irrespective of time Class Component Deployment Object Composite structure Package Interaction : emphasize object interaction Communication(collaberati on) Sequence Interaction overview Timing

Component diagram UML component diagrams shows the dependencies among software components, including the classifiers that specify them (for example implementation classes) and the artifacts that implement them; such as source code files, binary code files, executable files, scripts and tables.

Component diagram

Interaction Diagrams: Collaboration diagrams start 6: remove reservation 3 : [not available] reserve title User Reservations 5: title available 6 : borrow title 1: look up 2: title data 4 : title returned Catalog 5 : hold title Collaboration diagrams are equivalent to sequence diagrams. All the features of sequence diagrams are equally applicable to collaboration diagrams Use a sequence diagram when the transfer of information is the focus of attention Use a collaboration diagram when concentrating on the classes

State Diagrams (Billing Example) State Diagrams show the sequences of states an object goes through during its life cycle in response to stimuli, together with its responses and actions; an abstraction of all possible behaviors. End Start Unpaid Paid Invoice created paying Invoice destroying

State Diagrams (Traffic light example) Start Traffic Light State Red Transition Yellow timer expires Yellow Car trips sensor Green timer expires Green Event

UML diagrams: sequence diagram Sequence diagram describe algorithms, though usually at a high level: the operations in a useful sequence diagram specify the “message passing” (method invocation) between objects (classes, roles) in the system. The notation is based on each object’s life span, with message passing marked in time-order between the objects. Iteration and conditional operations may be specified. May in principle be used at the same three levels as class diagrams, though the specification level will usually be most useful. (At the implementation level, you might better use pseudocode.)

Sequence diagram example

About the last example... Each box with connected line represents a distinct thing, where all the things aren’t necessarily in the same piece of software, or software at all. Arrows indicate message passing. That is, an arrow indicates that one thing tells another thing to do something. Reverse arrows are implied. If arrow goes from A to B, and then immediately afterward an arrow goes from A to something else, it is understood that B completed it’s operation and returned control (and a result, probably) to A. Time runs down the page. An comes before an arrow that is below it. Bracketed expressions indicate conditions. In the diagram, an error document is returned if the fileLoad() operation returns and error.

About the next 3 slides… The next several slides are about sequence diagrams (for algorithms, processes). The next slide shows how to create a sequence diagram in browser, by associating it with a use case. The following slide shows some “objects” in a sequence diagram, and the slide after shows how to associated an object with a class. Objects are a bit more general than classes, but you’ll get the best results if you create a one- to-one association between the objects in your sequence diagrams and the classes you’ve defined (define your classes first, if you can!).

Creating a Sequence Diagram

Representing Objects Object only Class only Object and Class Actor

Assigning Objects to Classes A new class can be created for the object An object can be assigned to a class already defined

About the next 3 slides… The next slide shows how to denote message passing in a sequence diagram. To pass a message is usually to call a method on an object. The following slide shows a notation for “focus of control”. This means that an object in control when there is a box around its lifeline. The example indicates that “Student” maintains control throughout “drop a course”, even while “Maintain schedule form” does its thing. Among other things, this can be used to imply that called methods terminate and return. The third slide shows a full sequence diagram example.


Focus of Control

Exercise: Sequence Diagram

UML diagrams: Package diagram A type of class diagram, package diagrams show dependencies between high-level system component. A “package” is usually a collection of related classes, and will usually be specified by it’s own class diagram. The software in two distinct packages is separate; packages only interact through well-defined interfaces, there is no direct sharing of data or code. Not all packages in a system’s package diagram are new software; many packages (components) in a complex system are often already available as existing or off-the- shelf software.

Package diagram example

About the last example... This package diagram indicates that: there are three dependent but decoupled software components that will be developed in “My Project”, which is itself a package or component. Parts of my software depend on some existing software packages, which I won’t be developing, but just using (“Webserver” and “Database”). There is a globally available package “User authentication” which all the other packages depend on.

About the next slide… The next slide shows a complete deployment diagram. A deployment diagram is useful for showing how your software will be deployed on hardware. It may show how your system will integrate with existing systems in the domain.

Exercise: Deployment Diagram

UML diagram hierarchy

Use Case diagram to Class Diagram

Use Case diagram to Class Diagram

Use Case diagram to Class Diagram: contd





UML tools Rational Rose is the “real world” standard; full round- trip code generation Recently acquired by IBM (right under Microsoft’s nose!) Together (from Borland) is a lot like Rational Rose I haven’t used it in about three years (since before Borland bought it from TogetherSoft) ArgoUML looks interesting (and is open source) BlueJ, of course, displays simple UML diagrams Drawing programs with UML support Visio is a Microsoft tool Dia is a freeware clone of Visio

Tool links Rational Rose Together ArgoUML Visio Dia Together ArgoUML Visio Hard to find info on Microsoft’s site! Dia

The End