November 5 6TH GRADE ELA – Benchmark Unit 4 – Fix up Monitoring /Summarizing Reading Log – “A Year Down Yonder” Benchmark – Summary + Video + Practice Paired Reading –”Dorothea Lang- A Sensitive Eye” – Read 1 Elements of Plot- Plot the Paired Reading INDEPENDENT WORK – DURING GUIDED READING Pronoun Practice –Pg.3-4 Word Gen – Complexity Journal Response – plot your favorite movie on the plot diagram 7TH GRADE SOCIAL STUDIES- Chapter 5 – Fertile Crescent Give One Get One Due Chapter 5 section 4 Video + Notes Jigsaw Chapter 5 section 4 questions #1-3
Summarize To summarize information is to state the most important ideas briefly in your own words A summary connects and sums up key ideas from the text A summary gives the general idea and omits most details Identifying key words and phrases in a text helps readers discover its big ideas
Summarize 1. Turn and Talk - State the big ideas, or key ideas, in the picture Sentence Starters: One important idea that this picture shows is _______ One way the key ideas are connected is _______ A good summary of the picture is _______ 2. Write the summary in your journal – Title it “The Duel” Summary- Who, What, Where, When and Why
Plot- Answer the following questions about your favorite movie - Nov Plot- Answer the following questions about your favorite movie - Nov. 5 Journal 1. What is the exposition? 2. What is the rising action? 3. What is the climax? 4. What is the falling action? 5. What is the resolution?
November 7 6TH GRADE ELA – Benchmark Unit 4 – Fix up Monitoring /Summarizing Reading Log – “A Year Down Yonder” Benchmark –Summary- “Iktomi and the Muskrat” Paired Reading –”Dorethea Lang” – Read 2 Elements of Plot/Character Response to Plot Review – Quiz Tomorrow INDEPENDENT WORK – DURING GUIDED READING Pronoun Practice –Pg.5-6 Word Gen – Culture Journal Response Plot Independent Reading 7TH GRADE SOCIAL STUDIES- Chapter 5 – Fertile Crescent CNN10 journal response Chapter 5 section 4 questions #1-3 Due Epic of Gilgamesh W.S.
Plot- Write a scary story Plot- Write a scary story. Then answer the following questions about your story- Nov. 7 Journal 1. What is the exposition? 2. What is the rising action? 3. What is the climax? 4. What is the falling action? 5. What is the resolution?
November 8 6TH GRADE ELA – Benchmark Unit 4 – Fix up Monitoring /Summarizing Reading Log – “A Year Down Yonder” Benchmark –Summary- “Learning About Ancient Greece” Paired Reading –”Dorethea Lang” – Read 3 Elements of Plot/Character Response to Plot Review – Quiz INDEPENDENT WORK – DURING GUIDED READING Pronoun Practice –Pg.7-8- Due Mon Word Gen – Element Journal Response Word Gen – Quiz retake 7TH GRADE SOCIAL STUDIES- Chapter 5 – Fertile Crescent Mesopotamia stations Activity Review – Chapter 5 /Hunters and Gatherers – Vocab Assignment Test Monday
Chapter 5 – Vocab Assignment- Define each term, put each term in a sentence of your own, and draw an illustration of each term Fertile Crescent silt irrigation surplus division of labor Sumer city-state Empire Polytheism Social hierarchy cuneiform scribe ziggurat Babylon Hammurabi’s Code chariot
November 9- Half Day 1,2,3 6TH GRADE ELA – Benchmark Unit 4 – Fix up Monitoring /Summarizing Reading Log – “A Year Down Yonder” Elements of Plot/Character Response to Plot Review – Quiz Assembly 7TH GRADE SOCIAL STUDIES- Chapter 5 – Fertile Crescent Chapter 5 /Hunters and Gatherers Test Monday Review Vocab Assignment due Monday Chap. 5 Review INDEPENDENT WORK – DURING GUIDED READING Pronoun Practice –Pg.9-10 Due Mon Journal Response
Student Jobs – You will be asked to perform the students jobs assigned to you for one month – Please write down your job 1st Hour - Student Helper for November Paper Passer – William Maintenance-Frans Materials Passer- Fadi J Supply Monitor - Marko Agenda Writer -Isabel Direction Expert-Kaylin Librarian - Joseph Date Changer - Marceon
Student Jobs – You will be asked to perform the students jobs assigned to you for one month – Please write down your job 2-3rd Hour - Student Helper for November Paper Passer - Isabella Maintenance- Yousif Materials Passer –Byron Supply Monitor – Hailey Direction Expert-Yen Agenda Writer – Serena
Student Jobs – You will be asked to perform the students jobs assigned to you for one month – Please write down your job 4-5th Hour - Student Helper for November Paper Passer – pass out papers- I’yana Maintenance – wipe desks, wipe counters, sweep floor if necessary – Andew C. Materials Passer – boxes of materials – Dylan Supply Monitor – give students pens/pencils if they need to borrow them- take their ID- Alexis Direction Expert- listen so students can ask you questions – Christian Librarian – fix the bookshelf – Dima Desk Checker- check if there is anything in the desk – Andew H Plant Waterer – water the plants – Joseph
6th Grade ELA Weekly Learning Targets CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.6.2 I can determine a central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through details. I can summarize the text without including my personal opinions or judgments. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.6.2 I can determine a theme or central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through particular details. I can summarize the text in a way that doesn’t include my personal opinions or judgments. RL.6.3- I Can: Describe the series of events that are part of a plot Describe how a character changes throughout the story Define resolution
6th Grade ELA Weekly Learning Targets CCSS.ELA-L.6.6 - I Can: Use grade appropriate words and phrases Find the meaning of unclear vocabulary words CCSS.ELA-W.6.10 I can write over long and short time frames or many tasks, purposes, and audiences
Conventions of Standard English CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.6.1.A I can ensure that pronouns are in the proper case (subjective, objective, possessive). CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.6.1.B I can use intensive pronouns (e.g., myself, ourselves). CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.6.1.C I can recognize and correct inappropriate shifts in pronoun number and person.* CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.6.1.D I can recognize and correct vague pronouns (i.e., ones with unclear or ambiguous antecedents).* CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.6.1.E I can recognize variations from standard English in my own and others' writing and speaking. I can identify and use strategies to improve my expression of conventional language.* Language 6.1.A-E Conventions of Standard English CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.6.1.A-E
Speaking & Listening 6.1.A-D CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.6.1.A I can come to discussions prepared, having read or studied required material. I can draw on my preparation by referring to evidence on the topic, text, or issue to probe and reflect on ideas under discussion. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.6.1.B I can follow rules for collegial discussions, set specific goals and deadlines, and define individual roles as needed. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.6.1.C I can pose and respond to specific questions with elaboration and detail by making comments that contribute to the topic, text, or issue under discussion. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.6.1.D I can review the key ideas expressed and demonstrate understanding of multiple perspectives through reflection and paraphrasing. Speaking & Listening 6.1.A-D CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.6.1.A-D
Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas I can change my way of speaking to fit different situations and tasks. I can use formal English when the situation calls for it. Speaking & Listening 6.6 Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.6.6
7th Grade Social Studies Standards 7 – W1.1.1 Explain how and when human communities populated major regions of the Eastern Hemisphere (Africa, Australia, Europe, Asia) and adapted to a variety of environments. 7 – W1.1.2 Explain what archaeologists have learned about Paleolithic and Neolithic patterns of living in Africa, Western Europe, and Asia.
7th Grade Social Studies Standards 7 – W1.2.1 Explain the importance of the natural environment in the development of agricultural settlements in different locations (e.g., available water for irrigation, adequate precipitation, and suitable growth season). 7 – W1.2.2 Explain the impact of the Agricultural Revolution (stable food supply, surplus, population growth, trade, division of labor, development of settlements). 7 – W1.2.3 Compare and contrast the environmental, economic, and social institutions of two early civilizations from different world regions (e.g., Yangtze, Indus River Valley, Tigris/Euphrates, and Nile). 7 – W2.1.1 Describe the importance of the development of human language, oral and written, and its relationship to the development of culture.