1950’s: Suburbia and the Cold War
The 6 - C’s of the 1950’s Cold War Communism Containment Conformity Consumerism Civil Rights
Cold War Divided Germany Communism Containment Iron Curtain Speech Truman Doctrine Marshall Plan M.A.D. Policy NATO v Warsaw Pact Korean War Domino Effect
Cold War 2nd Red Scare HUAC McCarthyism Alger Hiss Julius and Ethel Rosenberg Space Race Mercury Gemini Apollo
Conformity Harding’s “A Return To Normalcy” lived out!
Non-Conformity Edward R. Morrow William F. Buckley, Jr. C. Wright Mills, White Collar and The Power Elite Arthur Miller, Death of a Salesman and The Crucible Jack Kerouac, On the Road (1957)—search for authenticity Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged Jackson Pollock Mad Magazine Rock and Roll music Back in Time
What happened to Rosie the Riveter? Consumerism Manufacturers used planned obsolesce, purposely made a new style of an item every year, to encourage people to buy the latest version of their product. What happened to Rosie the Riveter?
Civil Rights In 1947 Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier in Major League Baseball which begins the move toward equality..
1950’s – Happy Daze 1950 – 1953: 54,000 – 3 years Domestic Affairs People wanted more and more products in order to increase their standard of living. Less Labor intensive and more critical thinking. Blue suit and white shirt, prettiest secretary, couples society, baby boom, interested in the good for all, two martini lunch, no women managers track homes activities centered around the home. Cold War, Conformity, Communism, Containment, Civil Rights Always buying things, which your neighbors have. Television Marilyn Monroe Rock and Roll
1950’s – Happy Daze Elvis Presley Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama. This will spark the Montgomery Bus Boycott led by the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. Moral and Spiritual “your own opinion” Brown v The Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas Integration of the schools in Little Rock, Arkansas by the Little Rock Nine. National Guard surrounded the school (called out by the Gov of Arkansas. Eisenhower sent the 101st Airborne division to integrate Little Rock HS Car
1950’s – Happy Daze National Highway System So missile systems could move across the nation easily in case of a military emergency. Too many Russian troops which could possibly start a major war. Sputnik Charles Van Dornan is caught cheating on the $64,000 question.