Upcoming Genealogy Events in Ottawa and area 2 Feb 2019
Upcoming Presentations Saturday 23 Feb Beechwood: The Creation of Canada's National Cemetery, 1873-1930 Glenn Wright 1:00pm at City of Ottawa Archives Saturday 23 Mar North Grenville Historical Society Dr. David Shanahan
SIG Meetings Scottish Genealogy Group: Saturday 16 Feb 10am in room 226, City Archives Computer SIG: Saturday 23 Feb, after Branch presentation in room 115, City Archives Irish Research Group: Tuesday 26 Feb, 7:30pm, McNabb Community Centre (80 Percy St NEW: British Colonial America SIG Wednesday 27 Feb, 7pm to 9pm, Knox Presbyterian Church, 120 Lisgar St DNA Interest Group: Saturday 2 Mar, 9:30am in room 115, City Archives Ottawa TMG Users Group (webcast on Google Hangouts) Saturday 2 Mar, 2pm in room 226, City Archives
February 19: 11:30 - 14:00 at Jean Pigott Place, Ottawa City Hall Heritage Day 2019 February 19: 11:30 - 14:00 at Jean Pigott Place, Ottawa City Hall
Genealogy: Back To Basics A basic level genealogy lecture followed by a Q&A session. Next: 23 Feb: Getting Started by Mike More There is no charge for the sessions and all are invited to return at 1:00pm for the monthly presentation. Coffee and tea will be available. Following session: 23 Mar: OPL Resources by Romaine Honey For more topics, check our website at http://ogsottawa.on.ca/.
OGS February Webinar with Janice Nickerson Join us with Janice Nickerson of Upper Canada Genealogy on Thursday February 7th at 7pm as she presents “Tackling Research Challenges: The Genealogical Proof Standard In Practice” Register at https://ogs.on.ca/join-our-february-webinar/
Ottawa Public Library Programs & Events (Check the website for the latest details) https://biblioottawalibrary.ca/en/program Log in and register Genealogy Drop-In: - Tuesday 05 Feb at 2:00pm, Nepean Centrepointe - Tuesday 19 Feb at 2:00pm, Nepean Centrepointe - Wednesday 20 Feb at 10:30am, Greenboro - Tuesday 05 Marat 2:00pm, Nepean Centrepointe Genealogy Research Lab: - Thursday 28 Feb at 7:00pm, Nepean Centrepointe Using Ancestry Library: Tuesday Feb 05, 2019 at 2:00pm, Beaverbrook Genealogy 101: Saturday Feb 09, 2019 at 10:30am, Nepean Centrepointe
BIFHSGO Saturday, February 9 in The Chamber, Ben Franklin Place, 101 Centrepointe 9:00 am to 10:00 am: An Exciting Future for BIFHSGO: the next 25 years (Before BIFHSGO Education Talk) 10:00 am to 11:30 am Lord Bathurst’s Settlers to Murray Township 1815-1817 - Brian Tackaberry (http://www.bifhsgo.ca)
Other Events Black History: Researching African - Canadian Ancestry Date: Feb. 16, 2019 Time: 2:00 p.m. City of Ottawa Archives, Room 116, 100 Tallwood Dr Guest Speaker: Jacquie Stewart Free & Everyone Welcome
GENE-O-RAMA 2019 April 5-6, 2019 Confederation Education Centre presented by Ottawa Branch OGS April 5-6, 2019 Confederation Education Centre 1645 Woodroffe Avenue, Ottawa Speakers, Marketplace, Research Room Featured Speaker: Glenn Wright Leanna Cooper, Ron Dale, Sadie De Finney, Shirley-Ann Pyefinch, Lisa Tremblay-Goodyer, Mary Munk, Megan Butcher, Ken McKinlay Volunteers Needed Details and registration when available: https://ottawa.ogs.on.ca/geneorama/
https://conference2019.ogs.on.ca/ OGS Conference 2019 Join us for the Ontario Genealogical Society’s Conference 2019, “Breaking Down Genealogical Barriers”. Local tours on June 20, Conference lectures and plenary sessions, and the OGS annual general meeting, June 21-23, 2019 at the London Convention Centre, London, Ontario https://conference2019.ogs.on.ca/
Greening the Meetings Ottawa Branch OGS is doing its part for the environment. We no longer have many handouts but instead post them on our website for those who want a copy. We replaced the plastic stir sticks with wooden. Now, we want to cut down on the Styrofoam cups by asking attendees to bring their own travel mug or cup to use for your coffee or tea. We'll still have disposable cups if you forget yours but we hope to go to a recyclable or biodegradable cup soon