Exam Timetabling Communications-Jialei Ding SAS005-A Exam Timetabling Communications-Jialei Ding
Students and International Students Stakeholders End user of the new system. Essential that they are aware of the service so that they are able to see their exam times, dates and locations. Communications primarily go out to students. Students and International Students Should be aware of the new service Should be aware of the service in the broader context of Service Excellence Academic Administration Should be aware of the new service for students Academic Staff Researches, develops, produces and releases the new service Management and Development (Us)
Exam Timetabling Office Stakeholders Should be aware of the service and how this will impact students as well as their work Exam Timetabling Office Inform the relevant students of the new service. IF APPLICABLE – Inform students requiring special provisions of information relating to this being in the calendar Disability Office Should be aware of the new service and what to expect in terms of support required by the students. Be aware of how they will need to assist students and what measures are in place Helpdesk The link between students and the university. EUSA Newsletter is a useful way to get the word out. EUSA
Service Excellence Communications Channels Library Screensavers Library Plasma Screens Posters Passive Student Newsletter x 3 (EUSA Newsletter x 3) Newsletters Social Media Announcements - March 6th MyEd Announcements x 2 News items: Applications Webpages, Student News - March 6th Announcements Meetings: EUSA, Helpdesk, Exams Services – Summer 2017 E-mails: Students, Disability Office, Follow-ups to meetings Direct Engagement How-to pages – March 2nd Serve as main information hub for the new exam timetabling service Website Service Excellence Communications EUCLID
Stakeholders and Channels Students Academic Administration Academic Staff Management and Development Exam Timetabling Office Disability Office Helpdesk EUSA Passive Newsletters Announcements Direct Engagement Website EUCLID Service Excellence Communications
Phases 1: Initial Awareness 2: Launch Announcements A Staff B Students 2: Launch Announcements 3: Reminder Announcements 4: Post-Implementation 5: Closing