Jeopardy Hosted by Mrs. Cockrell
Choice1 Choice 2 Choice 3 Choice 4 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500
What type of solution demands a change in the present system? policy solution What type of solution demands a change in the present system? Row 1, Col 1
What type of solution would be used in an informative or awareness solution What type of solution would be used in an informative or demonstration speech 1,2
What part of the outline is represented by Roman numerals? main headings What part of the outline is represented by Roman numerals? 1,3
outline What is the speaker’s map called? 1,4
body What is the heart of the speech called? 2,1
What type of organization is climatic pattern What type of organization is in rank of importance? 2,2
What part of the outline is details What part of the outline is represented by regular numbers? 2,3
What part of the outline is represented by capital letters? supporting materials What part of the outline is represented by capital letters? 2,4
demands the listener to be attitudinal solution What type of solution demands the listener to be more open-minded? 3,1
What is a rhetorical question? one that asks people to answer in their heads What is a rhetorical question? 3,2
What are the 3 goals that a conclusion should accomplish? summarize, make a final appeal, call for action What are the 3 goals that a conclusion should accomplish? 3,3
What are words and phrases that signal where the speech transitions. What are words and phrases that signal where the speech is and where it’s going? 3,4
What part of the outline reinforces the main headings? supporting materials What part of the outline reinforces the main headings? 4,1
What is ranking and indenting subordination What is ranking and indenting on an outline called? 4,2
What is the sentence called that tells the audience exactly thesis statement What is the sentence called that tells the audience exactly what you will be talking about? 4,3
What is part of the speech gives an overview of the major topics preview statement What is part of the speech gives an overview of the major topics to be discussed in the speech? 4,4
What is the first part of an purpose statement What is the first part of an outline called? 5,1
What is the systematic plan organization What is the systematic plan called that helps you get things done? 5,2
What type of organization is by time sequence? Chronological Pattern What type of organization is by time sequence? 5,3
What is the best type of opening? one that is related to your speech and gets & holds the audience’s interest What is the best type of opening? 5,4