Central Primary School Arts Day Be the Art! Game
How to Play: It’s simple. Look at the famous painting or photograph and try to model it. You get to BE the painting. Parents, look around and pick one or two students who you think really nailed it. (or more if there are more) Kids, parents can do it, too! Which parent nailed it best?
The Scream, Edvard Munch (scream silently folks)
Mona Lisa, Da Vinci
American Gothic, Grant Wood Grab a partner!
Boy in a Red Vest, Paul Cezanne
Edgar Degas, Dancer Tilting
Unknown artist
The Thinker, Rodin
Broadway Boogie Woogie, Piet Mondrian (just kidding)
Pablo Picasso Old Man Playing Guitar
Christina’s World, Andrew Wyeth
Albert Einstein, by Ullstein Bild Very famous photo taken of the famous scientist. A signed copy once sold for $74,000.
Wedding Portrait, Jan Van Eyck Grab a partner!
Edouard Manet, The Fifter
Display your favorite pose. Was there a class favorite?