Ajzen (1991) The Theory of Planned Behaviour Outcome Beliefs Outcome Evaluations Normative Beliefs Motivation To comply Personal Attitude Subjective Norms Intention Self-efficiency Beliefs Likelihood of behaviour Personal control beliefs Perceived external barriers
Ajzen (1991) The Theory of Planned Behaviour Personal Attitude Outcome Beliefs – What we believe to be the outcome of taking the protective behaviour Outcome Evaluations – How worthwhile we consider the outcome Outcome Beliefs Personal Attitude Outcome Evaluations Normative Beliefs Subjective Norms Intention Likelihood of behaviour Motivation To comply Likelihood of Behaviour: Personal attitude: Outcome beliefs –What will be the outcome of us having the flu-jab? We won’t be ill over the winter and won’t have to have time off work. Outcome evaluations – do we believe the flu-jab to be a worthwhile outcome? Do we value it? Do we think that if we get the flu we won’t be greatly affected, or do we think we will need time off work? These make up our personal attitudes to the flu jab. Self-efficiency Beliefs Personal control beliefs Perceived external barriers
Ajzen (1991) The Theory of Planned Behaviour Subjective Norms Normative Beliefs – What we think other people think about the behaviour eg medical staff, friends etc Motivation to Comply – how motivated we are to act in line with others’ views eg do you value their opinion? Outcome Beliefs Personal Attitude Outcome Evaluations Normative Beliefs Subjective Norms Intention Likelihood of behaviour Motivation To comply Subjective norms: Flu jab Normative beliefs: what do others tell us about it? Eg medical professionals, family, friends, magazines. Motivation to comply: depends on how much we value the person telling us the information. If our mum was nagging us about it, but she nagged us about everything, we might not value her opinion. If a medical professional told us some information we might regard this with higher value. Subjective norms: what people tell us and how much we value what they say. Subjective is the opposite to objective: Ask them the difference between subjective and objective. Subjective – derived from, expressing of, existing in one’s own consciousness Objective – relating to or constituting an object; existing or considered only in relation to mind, exterior to the mind, self-existent, regarding or setting by one’s own sensations or emotions. Self-efficiency Beliefs Personal control beliefs Perceived external barriers
Ajzen (1991) The Theory of Planned Behaviour Personal Control Beliefs Self-efficacy beliefs – how confident we are we can achieve the change even in the face of barriers Perceived external barriers – factors which might prevent us achieving our goals Outcome Beliefs Personal Attitude Outcome Evaluations Normative Beliefs Subjective Norms Intention Likelihood of behaviour Motivation To comply Personal control beliefs – Self efficacy beliefs – how confident that can get flu jab despite being scared of needles and not having the time Perceived external barriers – anything which will stop us personally from having the flu jab – fear of needles, not registered at a doctor, can’t get time off work, can’t park anywhere, can’t afford it. The perceived external barriers can bypass all the other stages and go straight to likelihood of behaviour, eg if got phobia would not look at anything else. Is this true? Most people have had their BCG jab at school, even if they are scared of needles they find out information about it anyway so we are THINKING about the whole procedure. Self-efficacy Beliefs Personal control beliefs Perceived external barriers
Ajzen (1991) The Theory of Planned Behaviour Intention Intention is made up of: PERSONAL ATTITUDE SUBJECTIVE NORMS PERSONAL CONTROL BELIEFS Outcome Beliefs Personal Attitude Outcome Evaluations Normative Beliefs Subjective Norms Intention Likelihood of behaviour Motivation To comply Intention: made up of Personal attitude: what we believe to be the outcome of the flujab and how worthwhile we think it is Subjective beliefs: our own beliefs about the flu jab made up from other’s information and how much we value their opinion. Personal Control beliefs: these are personal to each person – barriers for some would not be barriers for others, eg someone may have a bike to get to the doctors and someone else might not. Some might consider it a waste of time, others wouldn’t. Self-efficiency Beliefs Personal control beliefs Perceived external barriers
Ajzen (1991) The Theory of Planned Behaviour Likelihood of Behaviour Outcome Beliefs Likelihood of behaviour is determined by Intention, but can also be determined wholly by perceived external barriers Personal Attitude Outcome Evaluations Normative Beliefs Subjective Norms Intention Likelihood of behaviour Motivation To comply Likelihood of behaviour is to do with internal and external factors – other people, what we think, how much we are motivated by others etc. Does not take into consideration Cues to Action. (Rosenstock), eg what gets us thinking about the protective behaviour in the first place? Rosenstock does not take into consideration what others say Leventhal does (lay referral system). Self-efficiency Beliefs Personal control beliefs Perceived external barriers