First, BREATHE! Second, Take another breath
Third, There is NOT ONE RIGHT way to do this. There is no formula.
You are demonstrating The IRR is about skills and now we are practicing those skills. This is the learning process so it should feel awkward.
Are you still breathing? If yes, awesome. If no, go back to slide 2.
WHAT THIS PAPER IS? This paper is a report about the research you did. That’s it. The report documents different RELEVANT and CREDIBLE points of view that are helpful in understanding your team problem through the lens or perspective you’ve chosen.
HOW WILL I ACHIEVE THIS GOAL? Identify an area of investigation and explain its relationship to the overall problem or issue. HOW WILL I ACHIEVE THIS GOAL? In your introduction, you will explain the complexity of your problem or issue and also explain/demonstrate why your lens is or matters.
HOW WILL I ACHIEVE THIS GOAL? Summarize, explain, analyze, and evaluate the main ideas and reasoning in the chosen sources. HOW WILL I ACHIEVE THIS GOAL? Summarize why this source is important to understanding the issue, and explain why it is important. What does it allow you to know that you did not know before? These are the sentences that typically follow a citation.
HOW WILL I ACHIEVE THIS GOAL? Evaluate the CREDIBILITY of chosen sources and the relevance of evidence to the inquiry. HOW WILL I ACHIEVE THIS GOAL? You will explain in your paper’s text why your sources are credible. You will do this through parenthetical phrases. An example is: “Through Jane Smith’s research, published in the Journal of Social Psychology, she contends…” or “Angela Duckworth, a PhD and leader of the grit movement in schools, argues…”
HOW WILL I ACHIEVE THIS GOAL? Evaluate the credibility of chosen sources and the RELEVANCE of evidence to the inquiry. HOW WILL I ACHIEVE THIS GOAL? Signposting is helpful here. A signpost and a transition allows the reader to know why you are writing about this. For example: “To understand teen suicide in rural communities, it’s critical to examine the lack of mental health professionals in these areas…”
HOW WILL I ACHIEVE THIS GOAL? Identify, compare, and interpret a range of perspectives about the problem or issue. HOW WILL I ACHIEVE THIS GOAL? You must put the perspectives in conversation. Your analysis and evaluation can give more weight to some voices more than others, in your attempt to come to truth and understanding. A lot of your sources may agree with one another, but not all of them will or they will have different reasons. Your voice explains those connections.
HOW WILL I ACHIEVE THIS GOAL? Cite all sources you have used and include a bibliography in the proper format. HOW WILL I ACHIEVE THIS GOAL? Include all of your sources used in the paper. Make sure each in-text citation is in the Reference list. Make sure you follow APA format style guides.
HOW WILL I ACHIEVE THIS GOAL? Use correct grammar and style HOW WILL I ACHIEVE THIS GOAL? Edit your IRR for grammar before submitting the final draft.Avoid first person voice. Make sure your words are academic in nature. Be concise. Don’t use unnessary or repetetive words and phrasing.