Comments / Action points End of Life Care – hostel checklist Professionals involved in care Professionals involved in care (Name / role) Contact details Name D.O.B Project GP details Next of Kin Diagnosis/NHS number To do Comments / Action points Obtain consent from the resident to discuss their care with others GP/healthcare professional involvement Communication with resident about what’s happening (using mapping tool) Resident’s capacity assessed (if in doubt) Case review meeting arranged Identify all professionals involved in resident’s care Identify other professionals that may be required in future Conversation with resident about their wishes Place of care assessment considered by team (if in hostel) Preferred place of death discussed and considered by team Next of kin notified/Family reconnection discussed Important relationships identified (using Eco map) and other residents briefed (with client’s consent) Action plan identified and regularly reviewed Emergency care plan developed Is resident entitled to additional benefits i.e. DS 1500 payment
Who can support us GP Religious / Cultural supports First port of call for medical issues Religious / Cultural supports Individual to each person – representative can visit resident or access place of worship Continuing health care (CHC) NHS Package of care for end of life patients cared for outside of hospital District Nurse Nurse that provides care at home, usually linked to specific surgery Community palliative care nurse/team Specialist professionals who work alongside GP and medical team in the community Marie Curie / Macmillan Provides nursing care at home and overnight Hospice Provides care (medical, psychological, therapeutic) and respite for palliative patients Social worker Provide care assessments, advice and information to address needs of individual. Can support patient with entitlement for DS 1500 payments Psychological / emotional support Available through GP or external agencies Pharmacy Dispenses medications. Some pharmacies can agree to drop off service if patient bed bound Drug and Alcohol services Provides advice and support around harm minimisation, abstinence, detox and rehab Occupational therapist Ensures patient has adequate support to carry out everyday activities Mental Health advocate Ensures the needs of patients are met by working within the Mental Health Act framework Health advocate Promotes access to health services Family / friends Salvation Army Provides advice and support in reuniting families