Unit 4 Vocab 10th grade Please get out your vocab and get ready for unit 4! Make sure these are going in your binder under the vocab tab
Inkling (n) – a hint; a vague notion I had an inkling that the game time was going to be moved because of the clouds rolling in.
Limpid (adj) – clear; transparent; readily understood The water was so limpid that I saw the tree all the way at the bottom.
Copious (adj)– abundant; plentiful There was a copious amount of money left over that we went to dinner. Symbol of Thanksgiving is called a cornucopia with food spilling out of it.
Poignant (adj) (poy- ant) – deeply affecting; touching, emotional The kissing in the rain scene was poignant to the viewer.
Rancor (n)– bitter resentment or ill- will, hatred He has such a rancor for broccoli that he threw it across the room.
Emaciated (adj) – made unnaturally thin The emaciated boy was too weak to fight off his kidnapper.
Acquiesce (v) – to agree to or to submit The administration decided to acquiesce and let the students have a dance
Contentious (adj) – quarrelsome; inclined to argue A contentious person is one who likes to argue about anything. Con=with or for, against
Garrulous (adj) – excessively chatty Garrulous people make great talk show hosts.
Exponent (n) – one who advocates or speaks for Obama's wife is an exponent of healthy nutrition for young people.