Chapter 2 What should I know? What do I know?
Chapter Summary This chapter asks you to reflect on your own starting point in terms of your subject knowledge of mathematics. You will explore: Your prior experience of learning mathematics Your areas of strength and areas that you need to develop Your beliefs about learning and teaching mathematics
What should I know? How do you know what mathematics subject knowledge you should have? How do you know if you have this subject knowledge or not?
Complete these sentences When teaching mathematics in school I feel … When planning for teaching mathematics I feel ... When researching mathematics in order to develop my subject knowledge I feel ...
Strengths and areas for development Which of the following areas do you see as strengths and which are areas you need to develop: Problem solving using mathematics Number: counting; place value; fractions, decimals and percentages Number: knowing and using number facts Number: calculations Algebra Geometry Measurement Statistics
Beliefs about learning and teaching mathematics Summarise each of the following beliefs about learning and teaching mathematics: Connectionist Transmission Discovery